Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I heard the him come in the room, slamming the door shut as usual I couldn’t see his face since I was tied down spread like an eagle, it wasn’t comfortable I had been in this position since 8 in the morning and it was 6 in the evening right now. Thanks to the bedside watch I could still tell the time. I wasn’t sore since the bed was under me to support my weight but I really wanted to move around and stretch around a bit but what’s worse was that I was completely naked. I looked around the room it wasn’t really homey the black bed sheets, the tall red walls, floor-length windows which were covered with a chiffon black curtain. I pulled on my restraints but they were securely tied onto the headboard and finally I gave up with a groan he loved to do this to punish me if I did something he didn’t like, I wanted to cry and runaway from this place but I knew if I did anything silly he would punish me senseless and in all honesty I had fallen deeply and madly in love with this man, I could never leave him.

I remember the first time I met him he was a tortured soul spending nights in the office he owned, sorting through unavoidable paperwork. He controlled a multi-billionaire company and apparently there was much to do after his father had retired. At the time I had just graduated from Stanford and was hired to be his personal assistant as an introduction to the hard working world and the difficult jobs I would be able to do in the future, but little did I know I wouldn’t be working as anything else after my job at the Global Verdun Firm.

I liked my men tough, tall and scruffy looking, preferably brunette and lean so when I first saw him boy you sure could tell what my face looked like, you could say I was drooling but I was sure to hide it. He was my new boss and later I learned my new…master. That first day he looked at me with disgust and didn’t even bother to talk to me at all during the so-called interview and after only a few minutes he had kicked me out of his office and told his receptionist Ina to show me around and help me get comfortable with my new job, what I had to do, my requirements for everyday office etiquette and finally we walked around the workplace. I wasn’t hurt because it wasn’t like I wanted to impress him with my pencil skirt, stiletto heels and my white blouse all I had thought about the entire time since I had arrived at the firm was that I had to do a good job and therefore getting my hands on an amazing recommendation, so in the end I shrugged it off. The first few weeks were alright I did my job as I was asked to, I followed him around when needed, scheduled his appointments, wrote down everything he needed to know and important notes that were crucial to the firm at the board meetings. However through out the whole first few months he hadn’t said more than a few words to me.

When the New Year came and I had only gone into the second month of working at the firm I was deathly surprised when I came into work, as usual my coat was slung over my arm with my bag stuffed with magazines and notebooks and pens and all my personal stuff, my hand was holding onto 4 Venti cups of coffee. My other arm was wedging a huge thick corporate file pressed against my armpit and slipping off and my teeth was holding onto a letter that someone has asked me to pass to Mr. Jones as I was making my way here, my boss not sanitary I know but he’d just have to deal with it. So yes I was a mess and the receptionist Ina, burst into laughter when she took in my state I wanted to cry I was scared if I was late which I haven’t been since I started working at the firm. Ina and I had grown some sort of relationship over the duration of my time at the firm, you could somewhat call us friends; she was the only one who talked to me at the office place. After laughing at me her face turned grave she quickly got up and grabbed my coat and bag before ushering me in telling me in a serious voice that Mr. Jones wanted to see me and before I could say anything else her eyes turned pitiful as she laid a hand on my shoulder whispering “I’m sorry Harley, he fired you…but he wants to see you now” my eyes were instantly watery and with calculated steps I started to walk over to his office making sure I knocked before entering, his deep voice growled out a ‘come in’ and I shuffled myself inside still a bunch of things in my hand, he looked up at me but did not bother to get up or help me, I knew he wouldn’t anyways so I got straight to it, I grabbed the note from my mouth and smoothed it down the best I could before placing it on his desk then I placed the coffee’s next and finally the thick file before standing up straight trying to iron my skirt with my hands, I stood for a full minute or two before he finished whatever he was doing and looked up at me. I took in his sexiness; yes I still thought he was sexy. He leaned back into the chair, I was beginning to get sweaty and started fidgeting with my hands, that was when he stood up and started circling me, I got the shivers as his hand rested on my waist he must’ve felt me shake as he began to whisper into my ear, pressing my body into his a gasp left my lips.

“When I am done here” His hands were now on my wrist holding onto them a tad too tight “You will go home and pack your bags” I was breathing hard I wanted to yell at him, he couldn’t do this to me, what the hell was he doing anyways! “Then you will get into a sleek black car I have called for you and never look back” I started to fight against him but his hands were too strong “Understand?” My mouth finally began to work.

“Let go of me! You can’t do this! I can call the cops! Stop it!” Abruptly he pushed me forward to his desk so that my breasts were leaning on the surface of the desk and my behind was up pressed against his crotch, my wrists still tightly in his hands.

“Don’t fight or it will just be worse…” I was about to talk back when I felt a sharp sting on my butt and then again and again and again and again, he kept spanking me and going at it until I finally cried out a ‘please stop’ I begged him to stop and tears were streaming from my eyes, my fists were gripped so tightly that he had to force it open, all I could feel on my behind was a warm heat.

“I said understand?” I nodded my head continuously “breathe!” he commanded, my breathing came out in rushed breaths, he relaxed his hold on me and his hand trailed down to cup my most private spot, seeing that I was soaking wet he ripped my panties off me before telling me to leave and complying with everything he had just told me to do “One last thing Harley, try to runaway or tell anyone and there will be…consequences” With an evil smirk he sat down and watched me leave out the door.  

So now here I was trapped at his home, in the middle of nowhere you would think a man like him would be living in some bachelor pad at some sky high penthouse but wrong he had a gorgeous home sitting out in the country side, it was huge I know that much but I was most well accustomed to his room which was literally the size of my apartment room back in New York. I heard movement in the room and there was shuffling so I knew he was in the room.

“How’s my Harley today? Sore?” My head snapped up to the source of the voice, he was standing at the end of the bed his eyes trailing every contour of my body which he knew like the back of his hand. I didn’t know what to say, was I sore? Like I said before not really but uncomfortable yes.

“Not speaking Harley?” My eyes grew wide as he neared me.

“No…No! Ah!” His two fingers plunged into me before I could say anything else and he started moving them in deliriously slow strokes, I bit on my lip to stifle a moan and my core was getting wetter and wetter letting his fingers slide in much easier. He started kissing my inner thighs and his strokes became more and more faster finally I moaned loudly unable to hold it in anymore.

“Ah, now you want to talk?” I was so close and my moans were getting louder as he worked his fingers, my head moving from side to side my hands pulling on the ropes but before I could have my release he pulled them out of me and got off the bed as he began to untie me from my restraints. When he finished he sighed before heading over to the huge mahogany table where he usually sat working some more. I looked at him, he looked so tired today, his tie was half pulled undone, his hair was a mess, he must’ve been tugging at them and finally after regaining my breath and putting on a sheer red night gown which he loved I crawled onto his table. He was still looking down, a pen in his hand and his other hand in his hair…tugging again, so I tried to get his attention.

“Sweetie how was work?” He just sighed again “Aw c’mon don’t you want to rev up your Harley? Vroom vroom!” Before I knew it he sent me tumbling onto the floor and I yelped in pain as I picked myself up a pout was supporting my lips and my eyes began to water he gently grabbed me by the chin and pulled me up onto the table again.

“Listen cupcake, Daddy’s got a lot of work to do and you’re not helping” a tear slipped out of my eye before I scrambled off the table “Not tonight Harley” I heard him say and I slid out of the wooden double doors of the room and walked slowly to the kitchen I grabbed some cereal off the cupboard, a carton of milk and an ice pack from the fridge. With shaky hands I reached for a bowl on my tiptoes and easily a spoon from the drawer I cried through out my whole sad meal pressing the ice pack onto my arm where I know the bruises would form sooner or later, from the corner of my eye I could see him leaning against the door watching me but I didn’t really care I was too tired today, and I didn’t want him to get mad again.    

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