Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

We reached the stairs my hand clutching onto J’s arm, from the top I could already see that there were tons of people who had arrived. My right hand gently rested on the polished gold railing, J had a grim look on his face like he always does but I was smiling like the sun, I enjoyed the Slater parties. Here I could make friends and talk to people, where I can socialize, drink and eat like there was tomorrow. No rules. We descended down the stairs and I could hear laughter as my eyes were focusing on my heels to keep me from falling off the marble stairs. I looked up to see people in fancy but gorgeous dresses swinging around dancing to Van Morrison’s ‘Dancing in the Moonlight’, there were children having their share of fun as well running around and chasing each other. I grinned, what a wonderful scene.

“Oh!” I gasped when J pulled me onto the dance floor; I was pressed flush against his chest. His left arm wrapped around my small waist and the other in my hand as he rested his head in the crook of my neck, my hands tangled in his hair and I rubbed his back, he was so tense. Van Morrison was just finishing off his song before Bette Midler’s ‘Dream a Little Dream of Me’ came on, J pulled away and looked into my eyes as he leaned down to kiss me. I responded to the kiss, not bothering to fight for dominance.

“I love you” J whispered, resting his forehead on mine, looking deep into my eyes once again.

“I love you too Sir,” J gave a slight chuckle and kissed my forehead. We began to dance again to the rest of the song, my head and hand resting on J’s chest, I could have drifted off to sleep, sleep hadn’t come easy these past few days, J hasn’t come to bed for a while. I didn’t want to be the clingy type but sometimes I did feel the green evilness of jealousy creep up on me at night. Was he with that gorgeous red head? Did he, was he even thinking about me? Will tonight change things?

Honestly, after I asked myself that question I wished I knocked on wood, because this night, this whole night changed everything. The song ended. J pulled back and we finally greeted the guests after our small intimate moment.

“Harley, it is good to see you again! And as usual you are as stunning as ever!”

“Mrs. Crowley! How are you?” I blushed at her kind words, and J put an arm on my waist grinning at me.

“I’m well my dear, but I couldn’t say the same for Coco Puff” I gave her a sad smile and put a hand on hers, Coco Puff was Mrs. Crowley’s favorite Chihuahua and she always brought him to these events, however Coco had died of old age a month ago.

“He’s in a better place now Mrs. Crowley” I tried to comfort her.

“She’s not talking about that brainless dog again is she?” Mr. Crowley interjected, I gaped at him in surprise but J who brought me closer to his side chuckled instead, I stared at him incredulously but he just raised his amused eyebrow at me instead. Mrs. Crowley rolled her eyes at her husband who gave her a sheepish smile and leaned in to give her a sweet kiss. The old couple made me smile and feel all warm inside. It’s so nice to see couples that still show affection towards ach other.

“My darling here just misses her children, since they’re all so busy she resorts to little dim witted animals” Mrs. Crowley let out a high pitched laughed and I could feel J squirm a bit.

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