Chapter 0

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My Mother tells me I had just turned six when the accident occurred.

I was hit by a car while out riding my bicycle in the neighborhood. She says the car came up from behind and his bumper hit my rear tire causing me to be thrown forward off the seat.

I don't remember much about the accident myself, I was too young and the human mind has the amazing ability to heal such unpleasant memories over time by allowing them to fade away.

What I do know is that I ended up without either of my testicles thanks to that accident. They both popped when I flew across the handlebars.

As I reached the age of adolescence, I didn't start puberty with the rest of the guys at school.

That meant my voice never changed like theirs did, no facial hair, and well, none of the other changes that puberty brings, none of that happened to me.

One of the worst was that my um, penis, never got any larger. Instead, it stayed the same couple of inches long it had always been, and became a source of great personal embarrassment for me in the gym locker room.

The only thing worse was my soft childish, pre-pubescent voice. I could hide my penis, but there was nothing I could do about my voice.

I got picked on, a lot, for being the runt with the high voice, lack of strength, and no facial hair.

Aside from the torture I endured from the other boys, I had the inability to find a girl that would even speak to me. No girl wanted to go out with a freak show like me when there were more manly boys to choose from.

This, this was my life . . . and when my dad explained why, I learned this was how the rest of my life would be. I was destined to be alone, the eunuch no one cared for.

My voice remained one of my most embarrassing features, since it wasn't like it could hide the fact it was high like a girl's. Don't get me wrong, I tried. Even though I did everything I could to speak as low as I could, I still sounded more like a girl than a boy.

My Mom and Dad felt that despite the accident, I would still be able to have a successful, happy life and they did everything they could to instill that kind of positivity in me.

This is how they had tried to raise me, for as long as I can remember, but once my peers started making fun of me and girls rejected me, I began to doubt them.

Due to the absence of male puberty in my body I also didn't have a growth spurt like my peers so I wasn't as tall as most of the guys at school, even a lot of the girls.

I was skinny and not nearly as strong as most of the other boys and was constantly reminded of how different from them I was.

Although later than the rest of the boys in my class, eventually I did began to notice changes. Not what I expected but changed none the less.

I first noticed changes taking place around four months after I turned sixteen, but rather than run to my parent's about it right then and there, I kept quiet, not realizing what was actually going on.

The first thing I noticed was that my clothes weren't fitting me right and I had to do something. If I'd been growing out of them like most other kids did, it would have been one thing, but that's not exactly what was happening.

Most boys my age grew out of their clothes vertically. Me, I was growing out of them horizontally. No, my belly wasn't getting any larger. My pants still fit in the waist, but they were getting tight in the butt, around my hips, and fitting snug around my thighs.

Mom eventually noticed, after the butt seam ripped in the second pair. She tried getting me to eat less by changing my diet, but nothing worked. I continued to get larger in those areas.

The odd thing was that despite all of those changes, I still had a flat belly. In fact, my waist seemed smaller than it used to be.

At one point I began to notice a strange ache, a sore tenderness in my chest. I tried to ignore it, but once it became almost unbarable to wear a shirt, I had to bring it up to mom.

She took one look at my chest and made an appointment with our doctor. The next day they were sticking me with needles and drawing blood.

I lay in bed that night wondering what was happening to me since no one had given me the first clue yet. I did know what was happening shouldn't have been and the doctor seemed to think the puffiness around my nipples was not only abnormal, but serious.

An Accident, A Decision, and Destiny (Revised)Where stories live. Discover now