Chapter 19

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A month into the school year, Kelli took another bare photo of my breasts and we compared it with the last photo.

She showed me the picture, I wasn't a lot bigger yet, but there was a difference, especially in my nipples, that even I could see. I was getting there. Pretty soon, I would be moving into an A-cup.

I was getting very excited about how quickly my breasts continued to grow and develop. The more they grew the more I felt confident and comfortable in my skin. My hips were also beginning to widen, and I could tell that I was going to have a very feminine figure.

At the six-month mark of hormone therapy, I went back to the doctor. She was impressed with my development. I asked her how much more I could expect my breast to grow and she told me, based on my mom's size, genetically I could probably expect a C-cup.

I was more than happy with that.

Another thing she told me was that the law in this state regarding reassignment surgery in teens had recently changed. The good news? If I was ready, I could have surgery as early as next summer.

I was thrilled and scared at the same time. I knew that surgery would be the final step in my transition. I was eager to have it done and excited that it was coming sooner now, but a fear came over me. What if it didn't turn out right? If there were complications?

My mind raced with possibilities and I began to question my decision. But at the same time, I knew that this was something I needed to do for myself. I had come so far already, and I couldn't turn back now.

The next few months flew by as I continued with my hormone therapy and my daily life at school. I kept up with my physical therapy as well, making sure that my body was strong and healthy for the surgery.

At the beginning of June of the following year, and after many previous months of weekly visits to the psychologist, I was scheduled for the operation.

This whole school year Mom and Dad had been coming to visit one weekend a month. When it came time for me to have the surgery, Mom came to stay, saying she'd be here as long as I needed or wanted her to be.

She said Dad couldn't get out of work this week but would drive up on Friday night.

The following morning she drove me to the hospital and checked me in.

I won't go into the operation itself, nor how much it hurt other than to say that soon after the anesthetic wore off and I started to feel the pain, I couldn't help but wonder if I'd not made the wrong decision. It was horrible. Good thing I had access to some pretty strong pain meds.

Within a couple of weeks, most of the pain was gone. Although, there were still days I wondered if I had made the wrong decision. In addition to the mild and occasionally stronger pain, it was a chore to go to the bathroom. Every time I went, it took ten minutes or more just to get the flow to start. The doctor said this was rather common and that I should be thankful that I wasn't as bad off as some post-op girls who reported it taking twenty-five minutes or more to pee. She also added that it should return to normal and I'd be able to pee as soon as I sat, after a month or two.

I was comforted by her words but also knew from my own research that there were post-op girls out there, a few, that never see a reduction in time.

I had also read about girls who never regained any feeling between their legs after surgery and I worried about this. I was completely numb in my nether regions following surgery, but after three weeks, I began to feel a tingling sensation down there similar to a hand, arm, or foot that's regaining feeling after having the circulation cut off for a while.

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