Chapter 3

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

"Hiccup!" My dad yelled and I groaned with a roll of my eyes before swimming to the Great Hall.

"Yea....s?" I asked lazily as I floated on my back.

"Where've you been?" he asks.

"Uh...surfing?" I said uncertainly, making him massage his fore head.

"Please tell me you stayed to our area," he says tiredly.

"I got second place in a contest," I tell him sheepishly before he sighs.

"There is literally nothing I can do to make you listen to me, is there?"

"Uh, no not really," I tell him.

"Alright. Well, meet anyone interesting?" he asks, giving up.

"Kinda. The two girls who placed next to me. The Landers call me the King of the waves now, and the girl who got first place is apparently the Queen of the sea. The third place girl just seems to be her friend," I tell him.

"What were their names?" he asks.

"Well, my apparent queen is Astrid Hofferson, and her friend is Heather Berserk," I say before his eyes widen.

"Did you say Astrid Hofferson?" he asks.

"Uh, yeah. Do we know her?"

"Sven and Ingrid are her parents," he says and it's my turn to widen my eyes.

"Wow. Does she know?" I ask.

"I know next to nothing about her. Just that her parents had to give her to her grandparents when she was a child," he says.

"Aren't her grandparents one of us?" I ask.

"They left long ago because they preferred land," he explains.

"How?! Water's amazing!" I say in shock. Suddenly, something rams into me and I let out a laugh as Toothless playfully grabs my head in gentle jaws. He was a black shark with extremely rare green eyes. "Toothless, let go!" I say and he swims around me before calming down.

"So. Did Astrid look well?" Dad asks.

"Uh...yeah. I mean, I've never seen her when she's not, but she looked fine," I say.


Astrid's P.O.V.

I woke up to be greeted by my grandparents' dog, sniffing my face. "Get out, Dog," I order with a hard tone. His name was Mark, but I don't really fancy dogs so I just call him Dog when I'm annoyed. He let out a huff before obeying. "Stupid Pomeranian," I muttered as I threw the blanket off.

"Astrid, will you take Mark on a walk, please?" Nana called from down stairs.

"He's your dog!" I called.

"You're getting more and more irritating everyday," Papa's voice says from my window, full of affection. I looked in the direction to see he had climbed the coconut tree that was just outside. He picked one and tossed it through the window before I caught it. I smiled at him before taking the coconut down stairs and putting it in the kitchen. 

"Hey, make sure to save the meat, I wanna try to do something with it," I tell Nana and she nods before I go to the bathroom and change into my swim suit. Once I have it on, I put on my jeans and clip the leash onto Mark's collar. "You know, if you walked him, you'd get healthier," I tell Nana as I walked for the door.

"So you'll be healthy as a horse at your next check up," she comments.

"I already am. I surf everyday!" I say before closing the door.

"Have fun!" Papa says as he continues to cut coconuts. He was in the prime of his life. 

He always liked to live on the wild-side. We ran a family-owned shop where we sell basically every tropical thing you can think of, and the nuts from the trees that surrounded our house. I felt a pull from my necklace and looked at the ocean to see a tube tumbling over itself. I sigh in longing before continuing to walk Mark down the beach. Nana and Papa  coddled him whenever they walked him themselves, so that's why I was usually the one responsible. I saw no reason to carry him everywhere when he has fine legs to carry himself, strong paws, and more energy than me when I'm getting ready for a surf session. Plus the fact that dogs weren't my favorite didn't hurt. 

I mean I made them pull their weight because I disliked them, and that was good for Mark. He could use a little less special treatment. I looked over my shoulder to see that the house was no where in sight so I found a rock hanging over the water as it lapped at the shore. I sat on the sandy surface and bent my knees to rest my arms on them. Right now, feeling the light breeze blow my hair in the gentlest way, and a soft ocean spray sprinkling my face, I felt a presence that I haven't felt since my last alone time. That was over a month ago. I'm broken from my trance when an animal like sound reaches my ears. 

I look around before my eyes land on a mass not far off shore; in the water but still not deep enough to let the creature swim away. I left Mark on the rock before walking toward it. As I drew nearer, I saw it was a dolphin. She looked in perfect health but she must have gotten washed into shallow water by a large wave or something. I splashed water onto her rubbery skin to have her let out a grateful clicking sound. I then went to the other side of her, so my back was to the open ocean, and dug sand out from under her. After about ten minutes, I'm able to maneuver her so she's facing the ocean. 

I then try to push her forward and after using all my strength, I manage to push her so that she can at least float. But, it still wasn't deep enough for her to swim, so I helped her into deeper water before giving her a final push and sending her on her way. She let out a grateful sounding chirp as she swam away and huffed a rainbow of water droplets into the air. I put my hands on my hips and breathe heavily as I stood waist-deep in the ocean, watching her leave. Suddenly, something swam by me and I looked down to see Mark doggy-paddling to open water. I grab the scruff of his neck before taking him back to the beach. 

Something grasped my leg and pulled me into the water. I released Mark as I'm pulled deeper into the ocean. I felt hands climbing up my leg before I decided to start kicking. My toes brushed against something that felt like seaweed before another hand grasped the ankle. I tried to swim for the surface but I was pulled ever deeper. My eyes stung with the salt from the water, and my lungs were tighter than Marks collar. I froze when something caressed my face. My vision was very blurred but I could make out the fuzzy outline of a guy, looking at me. My legs were now free but I found myself unable to move, as if his gaze was paralyzing me. 

His hands were gently cupping my cheeks and the pressure in my chest was slowly melting. My vision started clearing, showing me that the guy had auburn hair and forest green eyes. Eyes that were examining my sole. Suddenly, my vision blinked out a few times before it stayed black and next thing I know, I lose the feeling of water surrounding me.

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