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~bambam pov~

it was now morning and sana is home now.
we're eating the food that she made and she's talking about her trip to japan with dahyun and i'm not really listening. she got home early and since we're kind of sharing an apartment she has her own key. but it's a little weird because she doesn't live here all the time and this is actually my apartment but she stays here often so i got her a key.

"bam are you okay?"
she asked me

"hm? yeah sorry"
i said with a smile and she nodded and continued to talk while i ate the food

we're done with the breakfast and i'm now on my phone scrolling through ig while sana is talking to dahyun on the phone

"how's dahyun doing?"
i asked her

"she's okay"
she answered back with a smile and i heard her giggle into the phone while i nodded

"i'm going out for a while"
i said to her and she just nodded and continued to talk to her best friend
i'm going to a park near my apartment to have some time alone because when sana talks on the phone, she can be pretty loud

the park is beautiful with many trees and benches and there's a lot of dog owners here too and that makes it better, well if they can pick up their dog's shit.
i walked over to a bench and sat down, admiring the beautiful view of the park.
i sat there for a while until i got bored, so i decided to text jinyoung to see if he's up because i'm lonely

"hey bro u up?"
i wrote and waited for a response

"yeah me and mark just ate, why?"

"just wanted to see if you guys wanted to do something i'm alone"
i was hoping that they didn't have any plans

"uh yeah but that's only if you feel like going with us to buy some cat toys and shit"
cat? they got a cat?

"sure when?"

"we're going in a minute just have to fix some shit, meet us in front of our apartment"
he wrote and i answered with a 'ok' and started to go to their apartment.

~jinyoung pov~

bambam just texted me to see if we can hang out or something but we're going to buy charlie some things and bambam wanted to come with us. me and mark was in the stairway on our way to the lobby and we're prepared to buy charlie some nice shit.
we saw bam standing outside when we were in  the lobby so we walked out to him

"hey bam"
i said and he looked up from his phone and smiled

"hey jinyoung-hyung, hey mark-hyung"
he said back and mark came up to him and hugged him because, it's mark. bambam hugged him back and i just smiled because of my friends. they broke loss and looked at me

"should we go?"
i said to them and both nodded so we started to walk

"btw i didn't know you got a cat"
bam said

"no mark got her last night and he didn't buy any stuff for her so that's what we're doing"
i said back and he nodded

"what's her name?"

mark said and smiled

bam said and i agreed
the walk to the store isn't that long, maybe 20 minuets so we just talked about stuff

~time skip bc i'm lazy~

we're on our way home now and bam is going to be with us for a while because he really wants to see charlie and he doesn't have anything to do today
we walked up to the apartment and went up all the stairs to our door
i unlocked the door and went in with bam and mark. i went into the living room to find charlie sleeping on the couch. i picked her up and went into the hallway where bam was.
right when he saw her he squealed and i knew that he wanted to hold her so i gave her to him

"omg omg omg i'm dying"
bambam said when i gave him the cat, me and mark just laughed at him

the time is now 01:32 pm and i'm so bored. mark and bambam is watching a movie that i've seen already and charlie is curled up in bam's lap. i thought of what i can do and the first thing that came up in my head was 'text jaebum' so i did that because maybe that can entertain me for a while.

"hi bummie"
i wrote and waited for him to reply
after like 8 minuets he answered

"hey gorgeous how are you?"
he has been calling me gorgeous since we started to talk but i still love it when he calls me that

"i'm fine just sooo bored, you?:)"

"i'm okay now that you texted;)"
he wrote and i blushed a little

"how come you always make me blush"

"hmm, idk maybe i'm the only one to make you blush?"
he wrote and i blushed more than before

i wrote back

"i really want to meet you again gorgeous"
he wrote and i couldn't help the sequel that came out of my mouth

"hyung are you okay?"
bambam said to me and i nodded and looked at mark, who was watching me weirdly but i mouthed 'i'll tell you later' and he gave me a thumbs up

"i want to meet you too bummie"
i responded because i really wanted to see him again too

"maybe we can meet someday in your café? i will probably take a friend with me since he's very lonely and need friends"
he wrote and now i wanted to bring someone too because it'll just be weird for me i think if it's just me jaebum and his friend. i thought of who i should bring when mark came into my head. mark? yes mark it'll be because i'm the most comfortable with him

"mark? what are you doing this week?"
i asked him. he thought for a little while

"nothing, why?"
he said back

"it's just that if i'm going to meet jaebum he'll bring a friend and i thought that maybe you wanted to come with me?"
i said with hope in my eyes

"okay sure which day?"
he responded and i smiled

i said and texted jaebum which day we should meet

"thursday at 12:00 pm?"

"thursday at 12:00 pm at my café"
i said and he nodded

he responded

"sure and my friend mark is going with me too if that's okay but i'm working until 01:00 pm:("
i wrote to jaebum

"that's okay we can wait, can't wait to see you again"
he wrote and i'm so happy that in two days we'll meet again

"can't wait either bummie"

"igtg i'll see you in two days gorgeous"

"see you bummie:)"
i wrote and put down my phone and i couldn't stop smiling and thinking about thursday.

this is the worst chapter ever i'm sorry but i needed to like fill the ff out:( and school is a pain in the ass so i'm sorry that i'm not going to be able to update often:(( anyway i hoped that you liked this chapter

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