Part 5

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Hello again
This part will be the best one for your mind. If there is any. This part is a break, a  'breather' if you will. Read and let your mind come to this place.

Happiness: a word meaning a state of being happy. There is no official definition of happiness without using the word happy in its' definition, like there is no official reason why the things that happen in this story happen.

This "happiness" is a feeling of pleasure, a good feeling, a great one.

You will feel happiness, not for long, but you will feel happiness.


The residents of D.F.V. already knew who Count Olaf and his gang were. They have seen all the disguises and all the plans because of all the villians they hold.
Of course Count Olaf did not know this.

Count Olaf is disguised as the detective, Detective Dupin, and everyone else was disguised as a cop.
They walk towards the entrance.

During all of this, the Quagmires and the Baudelaires where discussing a plan to fool Count Olaf and ask questions to the officer.

Now I need to warn you, be ready for what might happen. This is going to boggle you mind more than before.

The plan they form is very simple but clever enough to fool Count Olaf's 24 IQ gang. The plan is, they will disguise as murderers in the jail, the officers will know they are acting so they won't treat them like bad people when Count Olaf isn't around.
" This plan has to work, if it doesn't he will probably take one of us!" said
Isadaura with panic in her face. Klaus sees this, runs over to her and comforts her by hugging her and rubbing her back. She cries out of fear and stress. Violet is worried. She hated to see people scared, she runs over to Isadora and says " it will be alright, we have run away from him countless times, what are we too say we can't again if something goes wrong." Isadaura with a red puffy face stops crying. Sunny mumbles and Violet says " sunny says she spotted Count Olaf!"
They hurry to the police stations with their disguises.

They rush in the back entrance of the prison and go into one sel, they get into character. They all act mean and rude with one another. Sunny showing her teath. They pace back and forth through the big cell. Count Olaf walks in.

"Hello there" says the kind police officer. "I was wondering if you have seen any children come into this prison recently?"says count Olaf with a great stare. "No, no I haven't, sorry sir" says the police officer. "May I look around because I am an OFFICIAL police officer?" says count Olaf emphesizing the word office showing his badge.

"Okay!" Says the police officer.
Count Olaf walks away with his crew behind him smirking.

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