Chapter 30

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Fate- Chapter Thirty: SAVANNAH

What I've learned about this entire thing with David is that I needed to face my past. I couldn't run from it. Clearly, my past had followed me all the way to London. Literally.

And I had to do it tonight. I had to face David tonight. I had to prove to him that I was not the same girl he took advantage of years ago, that he was worthless and a horrible human being.

Harry's faith in me had boosted my confidence. Especially how he was so understanding and amazing the other day when I told him about David. I suppose it was fate that I ended up with such an incredible boyfriend, even though our relationship wasn't exactly public. I was just glad that I knew I could count on Harry to be there for me.

It was the night before the show. Rehearsal was going to be quick and laid-back. There was no use in a long rehearsal. You either knew the routine and perfected it by now or you didn't.

"Good rehearsal! Stretch before you leave ladies! You don't want any muscle to cramp up tomorrow." Madame Victoria instructed. "And for any personal guests that want to attend the show, there are extra invitations in my office."

I sat down to take off my ballet shoes.

"And let's give a round of applause to the wonderful David who is the reason for this marvelous routine!" Madame Victoria gestured towards David who lifted his hand and smiled beside her.

I did my best not to roll my eyes.

"Let's make tomorrow's show the best show this company has ever performed." Madame Victoria said at last and we all clapped.

"I'm especially excited for the gala afterwards." Jan said after Madame Victoria was done with her announcements.

"Me too! I have this custom dress that my mom's co-worker made for me." Maria exclaimed with a bright smile.

Oh, that was right! The gala after the show. I had completely forgotten about it. I didn't have a fancy ball gown dress simply hanging in my closet.

"Do you have a dress, Savannah?" Cara asked me as she saw the look on my face.

I shook my head, slightly embarrassed. "I forgot to get one."

"How could you forget to get a dress? This gala is so important, it has all of our sponsors and famous dancers coming. If it goes well, this could mean a big thing for Madame Victoria's Dance Company." Jan said with her typical know-it-all attitude.

I rolled my eyes. As if I didn't know that.

Cara shot Jan a glare. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure you'll be able to find one." Cara said reassuringly.

I smiled at her. I really hoped I would be able to get one because if I couldn't find a dress, what would I wear? My leotard?

The rest of the girls began talking about other things like their upcoming senior year, things that I didn't care to participate in conversing about.

I watched David carefully, waiting until he was done talking to Madame Victoria. Finally, we he walked over to his bag in the back of the room, I seized my opportunity to confront him.

The other girls didn't notice that I had left their circle. My heart was thumping in my chest and I felt a rush of adrenaline.

It was now or never.

"Savannah?" David said in bewilderment that I would actually approach him. "Do you need something?"

"Why'd you do it?" I said immediately.

"Do what?"

"Two years ago. What you did. What you did to me." I said, hoping my voice sounded strong behind all of the nerves I felt. I looked at him fiercely in the eyes, willing him to understand without having to explain everything.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." David asked, his face suddenly stoic.

"Yes, you do." I glared. The words began to pour out of my mouth before I could stop them. "The night, two years ago, when you gave me my first taste of alcohol. The night of the party celebrating the company's ten years of dance and performance. The night that you took me, an intoxicated underage girl who's sister you were dating, up to one of the bedrooms. The night you told me that you would take care of me and to not worry, that everyone got drunk all the time and there was no use in telling my sister because you could take care of me." I paused to laugh bitterly.

"What lies that you told, David. I was just so stupid to believe you, not to mention drunk because of you. Do you know what I'm talking about now, huh? You may not think I remember it, but I do. I was nearly past out when I felt your hands on me. I felt you touch me and undress me." The words spat out like bile in my mouth. I got sick just remembering what happened.

David stood there like a statue, his eyes boring into mine as I spoke.

"And the entire time, the entire time I cried because of the pain, you just kept telling me it was okay. Over and over, 'It's okay, Savvy, I'll take care of you.'" I shook my head. "You're sick and horrid. And you didn't even bother to tell my sister, but I had to. She hated me for months. She wouldn't even look at me, disgusted and in disbelief. I got called a slut and a whore because of you. The company dropped me. I had to come all the way to London because no other company would take me." I hoped every word stung.

"You're honestly worthless. My sister is too amazing and incredible for someone like you. You never deserved her. I had been stupid and dumb to believe you, to trust you, to like you. I won't make the same mistake twice. I won't take your shit anymore. After this is all over, I never want to see you again. And it's in your best interest to take your pretentious little ass far away from London and never come back. Ever. Don't even think about going back to my sister because I'll make you regret it. I am not the same girl you took advantage of two years ago."

I was breathing heavily at the end of my monologue and my hands were shaking at my sides. But I never felt more empowered.

David blinked for a moment. "Did you want an apology or something? That was two years ago, Savannah, get over yourself." He said with contempt.

My eyes widened in incredulity. After all that I had said, this is what he replies with? Unacceptable. I felt anger surge through my veins and I did something that I thought I would never do, ever.

I punched him, square in the jaw.

"What the hell?" David cried out, stumbling back.

"That's total bullshit. You raped me and you won't even own up to the fact that you're a terrible person." I looked at him with a threatening gaze. "After all this time, you've never changed. But thank you." I added with as much graciousness as I could muster at that moment.

David was clutching his jaw in pain and was looking at me with daggers in his eyes. "For what?"

"For making me stronger."

I gave him one last loathing gaze before walking away.

Fate (One Direction/5 Seconds of Summer Fanfic)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now