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Jungkook focus

The soft waves of music woke Jungkook up, and confused he lifted his head to find a honey-brown mob of hair on his chest. Right, they had been playing games yesterday, and Jimin had fallen asleep on his lap, so he had stayed. But the older must have woken up at some point because they were covered by the snow-white blanket. With a happy smile, he let his fingers run through the soft strands of his new friend. Jimin occasionally was confusing and hard to understand, but most of the time the smaller was adorable and heartwarming. Jungkook did not understand what people meant when they talked about the sly Charmers. Jimin was anything but. In fact, the other had been more startled when he had made a move on him than the other way around. Sadly, he had had to realize that the half-breed was not used to simple affectionate gestures. He had been completely stunned when Jungkook had ruffled through his hair.

A soft grumble and a motion on his chest made him look at the smaller again. The latter rubbed his nose in a cute movement of one hand. Jimin's hands fascinated him. They were so small in his own.

"Good morning," he said quietly and let his hands run through the elder's hair once more.

His voice seemed to bring some life into the ball that had curled up half at his side, half on his chest.

"Jungkook?" the sleep-stained velvety voice asked.

"Yep," he answered, and a pair of drowsy mahogany orbs looked at him through a messy fringe.

A wide smile spread on the soft face of his friend and made him smile, too.

"The captain requests your presence in the kitchen in twenty minutes, uniformed," the AI informed them.

"Good morning, Bang," Jimin greeted the computer. Jungkook was still startled by how the older talked to the board AI. During his military service he had learned that nice behavior towards AIs was unnecessary and a waste of time and energy, but his friend seemed to disagree with that. And who was he to question a psychology doctor's decision?

"Good morning, Jimin," Bang greeted back, and Jungkook was amazed by its tender tone. Maybe the small man knew way more than what the rest of the crew expected.

"Let's gear up and follow the captain's order," Jungkook suggested and sat up, lifting Jimin up with him in the process. When the body threatened to slump over to the other side, he slung an arm around him and pulled him back against his chest.

"Don't want to," the older grumbled and slung his arms around him. "What cologne are you using?"

Jungkook raised his eyebrows. "I don't use any."

Confused mahogany eyes looked at him. "But you smell so good. Like some spice. Cinnamon, or anise, or something like that."

Jungkook chuckled. Jimin sure was a strange guy.

"Let's go!" he said once more and finally got up.

Suppressing a groan because of his injury, he walked over to the door and tapped the green circle.

"See you later," he waved his goodbye and stepped onto the hallway.

Massaging his damaged rib, he walked to his room to get ready for the day. He stripped off the t-shirt and jeans and took a super-quick shower before he slipped into one of the many black turtlenecks that filled one slim drawer of his closet, neatly folded and ready to wear. For a moment he wondered who did the laundry. But then he shook off the thought and pulled out one of the functional pants, combining it with his personal drop-leg-holster in which he shoved his gun. Since his days in the military, he felt naked without it. The weight seemed to keep him grounded and focused. Just for some reason he had not missed it while he had been at Jimin's. He furrowed his brows while trying to find a reason for that.

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