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Tae focus

After the white-shirts and Jungkook had gone to the shooting range, Taehyung and Yoongi had decided to skip their treadmill and do their switch-training instead. So, now they sat in front of the window on the bridge and Yoongi switched his emotions off. He had become quick over the last week. It took him only a second or two to change into the blank state. But the way back still was out of reach.

When Taehyung begun to make silly faces, Yoongi just stared right through him. "You already tried that," the hollow voice said, and the younger stopped with forming his lips into weird shapes. He stopped himself from frowning. Half of last week's evenings had been spent on developing those faces in front of his bathroom's mirror, and Yoongi brushed it off like it was nothing.

"Oh, if mister second best, substitute pilot has a better idea, I'm willing to try," he said, instantly changing to another method. If it was not possible with funny things, maybe it would work if he angered or annoyed the white-haired.

"There's no reason to snap at me," the Switcher said calmly.

"But I'm right, am I not? You're just here because they couldn't send off a crew of newbies to a mission. But otherwise you're useless." Taehyung's chest hurt when he said those ugly words. Never in his life had he insulted anyone who did not deserve it. He was disrespectful at times and blind to moral boundaries, but he always rejected the idea of hurting people with words. Black eyes and a broken nose healed fast, but not wounds made by words. Jimin was the perfect example.

But Yoongi just fixated him with straight eyes. Maybe he looked a little bewildered as to how he could say something like that, but otherwise he seemed unbothered.

But the minor change in the ebony eyes was enough for Taehyung to crack. "Oh fuck, I just said that to provoke you. I'd never think something like this." He pulled the other into a tight hug. "Please forget the nonsense I just said. It's complete rubbish. I made it up. You're so precious to me. Please forgive me."

"Taehyung," his colleague interrupted him, "You're brabbling."

He let go of the white-haired and cleared his throat. It was always a little odd when he got emotional in front of switched-off Yoongi. It was like hugging a brick wall.

"Okay, so let's try something else. What about music? Do you have a strong bond to music?" he asked the older and began to search for something in his personal gallery.

"I guess so, but normally music doesn't do the magic," Yoongi replied.

Taehyung furrowed his browns. Music was one of the strongest emotional manipulators. He would only believe it, if he saw that the Switcher could resist.

Several minutes and dramatic songs later, Taehyung was crying like a baby and Yoongi just tilted his head at him with an I-told-you-so look.

"How can you not react to this?" Taehyung asked and sniffed.

"It's like the sound is washing past me. It's dimmed down, in a way," the white-haired explained with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Okay," Taehyung mumbled and brushed away the wet trails on his cheeks. "Let's try meditation."

"Meditation? I never did this before," the pale pilot replied with raised eyebrows.

"Just follow my instructions." Taehyung took a deep breath and placed his hands on his knees, palms up. "Mirror me."

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