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C H A P T E R 1
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That's all he felt.

He wasn't like other people. They laugh, they smile, they live. But he couldn't. He didn't know how to. All his childhood, he'd been treated with the same affection as everybody else, yet he still couldn't feel the same emotions everybody else does. He desperately longed to love and fit in, but nobody notices.

"n o b o d y c a r e s".

Everybody was seated in the small 20-student class. But, there was 19 students. The class was dull without the missing person. He knew exactly who it was. (y/n). She was the only thing he ever saw; she was his world. She never noticed him, no matter how hard he wished for her sweet smile to grace his day, her beautiful face to light up his world and for her to utter those precious words: "I love you." But by now, he knew he was an idiot to be thinking those thoughts. What, the likes of him with a girl like her? Impossible.

His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar female barging through the door. She stood there, panting, face red as she fixed her plaid school skirt. She most likely woke up late. Again.

"Sorry I'm late," She blurted out.

The teacher dismissed her words and she finds a place to sit. There were no spare seats, except for the one next to him. He didn't want her there, but at the same time he did. He wanted her next to him, so he could smell her comforting scent, so he could breathe the same air as her—yet, at the same time he didn't; he'd probably make himself look like an idiot in front of her. However, as much as he'd like too, he couldn't change what she choose to do. She sat next to him, her heavenly presence itself making his heart burst out of his rib cage. She searched her bag for the revision book needed for that lesson, but couldn't find it.

"Can I share with you?" She asked him.

s h e ' s   s o   p r e t t y.

That's all he could think.

He nodded, not wanting to talk to her and make a fool of himself. She smiled at him and he felt the world stop moving. Those pretty lips of hers, curved up into a gentle, warming smile—it was all he could think of, that and the fantasy of his own lips connecting with hers. His eyelids fluttered closed, as he let his imagination consume him, before being dragged out of his daydream world and being crushed into reality with her words.

"You're Jungkook, right?" She politely questioned him.

s h e   d o e s n ' t   e v e n   f u c k i n g   k n o w   y o u.

He nodded. That's all he could do. He couldn't speak to her. Words wouldn't physically come out of his mouth. He didn't know whether it was her captivating beauty that made him like this, or the fact that the person that his world revolves around didn't even know him.

w h a t ' s   h a p p e n i n g   t o   m e ?
i   f e e l   s t r o n g e r. 
k e e p   g o i n g,   j u n g k o o k. 
k e e p   f e e d i n g   m e.

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