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C H A P T E R  12

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And just like that, it had vanished - his doubts, fears and culpability. As soon as his eyes fell onto her angelic form, all his previous worries had disappeared and been replaced with a strange sort of comfort that he was so familiar with by now; it was a feeling he only felt around her and her alone. He felt like he was blessed in that he was able to witness her being, so grateful that in the millions of years that life on Earth had existed, he'd been able to live in the same era as her.

The corners of his lips upturned into a soft smile as she came closer into sight, her skin glowing as a form of true beauty against the soft warmth from the sun. It was like the movies - everything felt as if it was in slow motion as soon as he saw her, nothing else mattered in the moment. His heart began beating erratically fast as she came closer to him, fingers dancing against the side of his legs with nerves as she graced him with her presence.

"Hi, Jungkook. Have you seen Jimin around? It's just that he's kinda not answering my calls."

h e ' s   t h e   o n e   w h o   m u r d e r e d   h i m .

Reality came crashing down harder on him than a ton of bricks - even after eliminating his number one threat, he still wasn't her priority yet. In fact, he'd pushed her further away from him and into the dead, non-existent, charred arms of Jimin, where she'd lay eternally as a result of his irrational actions. Now, her mind would constantly be on Jimin, and Jungkook wouldn't have had the smallest of chance. Great.

"Sorry, no. H-How are you, by the way?" He stuttered out, an attempt to build a conversation with her.

"Me? I'm fine, just a bit worried right now. Anyway, we have History today, meaning all that extra work you did is going to benefit you. Maybe you could help me this lesson?"

e v e n   n o w   s h e   d o e s n ' t   c a r e   a b o u t   y o u

o̩̹̞̰̐̑̏̎n̮̹̜͊̉̕l̜̪̎̂ÿ̠͇̳̝̞́́͐̑͞ ̡̹̈̾H͔̟̖͐͂̔Ī̥̥͋M̫̜̹͈̰̉̿͌̓̉

Jungkook felt his heart pound out of his chest; he'd be honoured to even sit next to her, let alone help her. He could already imagine it - a cute (y/n) struggling in remembering History facts, biting her pen gently as she furrows her eyebrows in utmost concentration at him and his words. He felt as if he would faint on the spot merely thinking about it, so he could hardly imagine what the real situation would offer him.

"I'd love to be of any help to you," Jungkook grinned widely at her.

"I'll see you later, Kookie," she gently laughed, walking in the opposite direction.

To him, he felt as if he would melt into the ground there and then. That angelic laugh of hers that he longed to hear for so long was ringing in his ears like the alluring call of a siren, pulling him deeper and deeper into his manic obsession that he was so sure was her fault for forcing him into this dream-like trance. His entire world orbited around her being and without her, he was nothing.

"I see you're drifting off into dreamland," he heard Seokjin come behind him and ruffle his hair.

"Guess what? She said she wants my help in History!" Jungkook exclaimed like an over-excited toddler as the two walked together.

"That's great and all, but do you know anything about the subject?"

Jungkook stopped dead in his tracks. He'd lied about the 'homework' he did, so he knew absolutely nothing about what they were learning. He didn't want to show himself up in front of the love of his life, so it wasn't long until the panic sunk in.

"Shit. No. I don't know anything."

"You worry too much! C'mon, we'll study during break so you're up to date on you're knowledge. You should be paying for these services, you know," Seokjin joked.

Jungkook snorted. He was fortunate that Seokjin hadn't mentioned the events of the night before, grateful to have such a friend in a situation like this. In all his years of being alone, he'd managed to conjure up somebody so reliable when he was at his worst , and for that, he was grateful. Not just to Seokjin, but to the world for blessing him with an accomplice to aid him in his times of need.

"Come on, then!"


Do I look nice? I hope I do.

you look terrible
like always.

I really made an effort to look nice today, hopefully she realises.

why would she care about somebody like you?

I don't know. You're right. I'm sorry.

Jungkook tapped against the wooden table with his fingers impatiently, observing carefully as the class began filling up. He couldn't wait to see that familiar girl with the prettiest hair and the even prettier smile. Bursts of red stained the surface of his lips as he anxiously bit the delicate skin, awaiting his love's grace. Her arrival brought joy and excitement to his world and he couldn't help but let a small smile slip as she made her way over to the seat next to him. He really hoped that studying with Seokjin during break would help him out.

"Hey," she smiled.

"H-Hey," he replied, hands trembling as he hid them under the desk.

His heart raced out of his chest as her familiar scent engulfed him in a protective barrier that screamed simply (y/n). Waiting anxiously as the class simmered down, his fingers fiddled with the material at the hem of his uniform blazer, excited for the following events to unfold. For once, he couldn't wait for the lesson to start.

"Okay class, before I start the lesson, I've a few messages to give out," the teacher began, reading out notices given from the headmaster, "Park Jimin has been reported missing, if any of you have any idea to his whereabouts please report it to the police or a member of staff."

Amidst the chaos that had erupted in the classroom after the delivered message, Jungkook turned to (y/n) to see her eyes glazed with tears as if made of glass. Her eyebrows furrowed in disbelief, lips trembling uncontrollably as the realisation of Jimin's situation slapped her in the face. She stood up and left the classroom without a word to Jungkook or anybody else.

w h a t    a    w a s t e .

Even after all of Jungkook's efforts, Jimin still managed to take away the girl he wanted the most, even in death. His chances with her were completely ruined and he'd have to start all over again thanks to him. His hate for him burned through his veins even stronger, but there was nothing more he could do - he already killed the man, what more could he have done? However, then, and only then, Jungkook's malicious ideas seemed to take over him and turn him into somebody he'd never want to be.

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a/n; i remember when i published my first ever bts ff before this one, people from my school found my account and my username is still the same so if you're still here, hi
also i feel like the plot is,,escalating quicker than i expected seeing as it's only chapter 12 and there's already a major character death oh well

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