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C H A P T E R  10

══*.·:·.☽✧ ✧☾.·:·.*══

tw; knives & violence


"Sometimes, I wish you'd just realise. I wish you'd just realise how much you truly mean to me, how my life is dependent on your every action, on your very being. It pains me so much to know that you're happy in the arms of somebody else, that you'd never even look at me in the same way you look at him. I wish you'd know about the countless nights I spent crying, the nights where all I think about is you and how much I wish you were mine. I want you to know about the countless hours I spend going through you social media, and then your boyfriend's social media, and then your siblings and parents social media, maybe then you'd see how much you mean to me. I wish you could see the hundred of pictures I have on you on my wall, some of which I'd screenshot from your Instagram, the others where I thought you just looked so pretty in the moment and I had to take a picture. I wish you'd realise how I'd be perfect in the eyes of your family - I already know them all anyway, I know what they like and how they'd want me to be. But I could pretend I didn't, if you'd ever introduce me to them. I just really, really, want you to be mine and it feels like you're stabbing me in the heart over and over again every time I see you with him."

Jungkook poured all his thoughts and feelings into his journal frantically, writing everything and anything that came to his head. He was happy that he had a conversation with her earlier this morning, but so utterly destroyed that he was constantly reminded that they couldn't be together.

w h y a r e y o u s t i l l h e r e ?
w h y a r e y o u s t i l l h e r e ?
W H Y A R E Y O U S T I L L H E R E ?

Those words furiously drummed in his head, driving him insane. He gripped his hair with his hands in a rage, unable to repel the negative thoughts that filled his mind to the brim, ready to overflow and spill out in a fury of madness and regret.

.ssǝʅǝsn ƃuᴉʞɔnⅎ ʎʅǝʇnʅosqɐ

¿ƃuᴉɥʇǝɯos op noʎ ʇ╻uop ʎɥʍ

.ɔᴉʇǝɥʇɐd ǝɹ╻noʎ

ᶦ'ᵐ ˢᵒʳʳʸ...

"Okay, I'll do something, just please leave me alone now."


"Alright, I'll be home soon. Love you, mom," the male spoke into his phone.

Jungkook watched from a distance, observing Jimin's every move. He had to do something quickly—the small window of time he had was running out. Gripping the baseball bat firmly in his hands, he snuck up behind the male. As a last resort, he had a small pocket knife just in case things got messy. He doubted it, though, since his plan was clean and well constructed. He raised the bat above his head, ready to swing into Jimin's skull mercilessly.

"Hey, Jungkook, whatcha doing there?"

Shit. Jungkook had messed up, and badly too. He quickly lowered the bat and hid it behind his back.

"Hi, Jimin, I was just, uh—"

He couldn't think of anything to say. It didn't matter anyway, because he was now on the floor; Jimin had caught him off guard and kicked him to the ground, pinning his arms above his head so he couldn't escape.

"What the fuck were you planning, huh? You really are sick," he spat.

Jungkook quivered underneath Jimin's lather frame.

"I'm sorry, Jimin, I didn't know it was you," Jungkook replied.

Jimin loosened his grip on Jungkook, allowing him to push him away, hand spinning to the knife tucked away in his waistband before plunging it straight into Jimin's neck. Jungkook felt the pressure that the metal of the blade created against the soft flesh of Jimin's throat, his grip on the handle tightening as blood began to dribble out of the wound he'd just created. Slowly, he pulled the knife out, gritting his teeth as Jimin shouted in agony.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Jungkook repeated frantically as he shut his eyes.

Before he knew it, the once vibrant male was now a lifeless corpse on the floor, surrounded in a pool of his own blood. Jungkook stared down at his own palms that were stained with the life that was once called Park Jimin. His eyes widened in horror as realisation hit him — he had just killed a man.

He was sick, disgusting, simply not right in the head. His heart pounded out of his ribcage as his mind drowned in thoughts of what to do next, refusing to acknowledge the reality and severity of what he had done. But, deep down, he knew he was on the path to pure insanity.

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a/n; just a small chapter sorry
also pls check out soul alignment bcos i will update a lot more on that (hopefully)
thank u for reading <3

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