
5.5K 231 111

C H A P T E R 8

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"No—Jimin! Stop!"

Jungkook's ears pricked up at the voice that sounded in panic. His eyes scanned the hallway that was flooded with students, trying to match the voice to that sweet girl he dreamt of. He was ready to hurt Jimin if it came to it, but his hopes were crushed when he saw the man in question planting kisses on the top of (y/n)'s head as she smiled, her cheeks a rosy red colour from embarrassment.

"Not here, not in school," she touched his shoulder.

"Aw, why not? I want everybody to see that you're mine."

Jungkook felt as if a bomb exploded within him. All he could feel was anger coursing through his veins, mixed with a strange concoction of jealousy, sadness, and hurt. She wasn't Jimin's—she was his. Of course, he didn't have her just yet, but it was unfair. It was so unfair to Jungkook, and he hated it because he couldn't even do anything.

w h o s a y s y o u c a n ' t ?

"I should leave them be—they haven't done anything to me for me to hate them."

"I'm assuming you're talking about (y/n) and her lover boy, if I'm not mistaken?" Seokjin's voice interrupted Jungkook's thoughts.


Seokjin glanced down the hallway to see the couple near the lockers who were showing a tad too much PDA.

"Who wouldn't wanna be with him? He's so dreamy. Hell, if I were a girl—no, scratch that, I'd die to be in (y/n)'s position in general. What you need, my dear friend, is a make-over. So that you look more... well, like Jimin, basically," Seokjin swooned over Jimin.

"A... makeover? God, my life is like every teen rom-com ever, except the genders are reversed. So, after this 'make-over', am I going to look like some sort of idol? I'm pretty sure (y/n) doesn't go for Jimin just for his looks."

"How about we bunk off of school and sort you out, huh? So that you can come into school tomorrow looking amazing," Seokjin proposed.

Jungkook pondered over this offer given to him. One day wouldn't hurt, right? And in the end, it would benefit him and change his life for the better.

m a y b e y o u c a n m a n u p w h i l e y o u ' r e a t i t .

"Okay then, Seokjin, you're on," he decided.

"Please, call me Jin."


"What we need," Seokjin said, sitting in Jungkook's bedroom, scrolling through his laptop, "is an inspiration. Who would you wanna look like?"

"GD from BigBang," Jungkook replied instantly.

"Okay, let's be a bit more realistic... how about this guy?"

Jungkook stared at the fashion model on some sort of online clothing retailer.

"He has the same face structure as you. We can work with this. Firstly, let's get rid of whatever's going on with your hair. Most girls aren't sexually attracted to coconuts."

"What hair style would look good?"

"Hmm..." Seokjin thought, pulling out a pair of kitchen scissors and a comb from his inner blazer pocket.

"I'm not even going to ask why you have those. Do you know how to cut hair?"

"Trust me, I'm practically an expert. Sit down."

Seokjin covered Jungkook's clothing with a towel, before smiling away gently. He decided to only give him a small trim as well as curtain bangs to frame his face. The hairstyle was similar to Jimin's, but was uniquely different somehow. It may have just been Jungkook's face, or it may have been Seokjin's "hairdressing skills", but he couldn't help but think for once that he actually looked good. Jungkook was amazed—he felt as if he actually had a chance with (y/n).

"Now that the hair portion is out of the way, do you have any experience with makeup?"

"N-No, but wouldn't I look, uh... feminine?"

"Everybody wears makeup. There is no way Jimin has lips that pink, skin that clear and practically no flaws. All you need is a bit of brown eyeliner, some concealer and maybe a bit of lip tint and you'll be the hottest guy around, guaranteed. Apart from me, of course. Wait, I have some stuff in my bag, you can have it if you like."


"Now, let's work on your attitude. Personally, I quite like this 'shy, inexperienced' vibe you have going, but you need to look tougher and more—how do I put this, careless. Act cool and nonchalant, and trust me, girls will come running."

Trust me.

Jungkook seemed to be doing a lot of that lately: trusting. It was barely a week ago and he was alone, his only friends living miles away and only ever speaking to them over the internet. Now, he had built a new friendship that changed him positively. Sure, he had his doubts every now and then, arguably more than he expected, but it felt nice, having someone you could rely on. It felt comforting.

"Hey, you're kinda zoning out. You get what I mean?"

"Yeah, Jin. I'll work on that, she'll love me once she sees the new me," Jungkook timidly smiled.

He felt that feeling of comfort crack ever so slightly when he looked back and Seokjin's unsettling grin and dark, empty eyes staring back at him.

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a/n; it's been well over a month but i'm back and now with 100k!!! <3 means the world to me.
a lot of stuff has happened in my life—i'm 16 now and it's been two years since i first published this fic.
i got my results for the first ever gcse i sat back in summer which was for english literature and i got an 8 which i'm so proud of lol
i really want to be active again, and i can't promise regular updates, but i'm going to try my hardest, since not many people i know irl are following me on here so i can be myself a bit easier
love you all so much, again thank you for 100k. <3

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