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C H A P T E R  4

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• I •

Meet me at XYZ. I'll explain everything.

Jungkook hesitated, before replying, asking when and what time.

ksjin: Tomorrow morning, around seven-ish. I need to be in school, so we'll have to make it quick.

It came to Jungkook's realisation—what the actual fuck was he doing? He was planning to meet up with a stranger in order to pursue a girl. He told himself to take caution, and that it would be alright.

j u s t   t r u s t   h i m

"How? I don't even know this person."

He cares about you, don't you like that feeling?

"Well... yeah, I guess so."

then shut the fuck up and stop complaining.

• I I •

Jungkook found himself in the exact place he was supposed to meet with this stranger, the next morning. He waited for a moment, checking his front, back and sides every moment, just in case he got kidnapped or something. He didn't expects to see a boy approach him, just slightly older than him, dressed in the exact same uniform as him. He had round, full lips, sparkling brown eyes and a face that was perfectly aligned. Jungkook thought he was very attractive, and wondered why he'd never seen him around before.

"Jungkook, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, that's me," Jungkook answered.

"I'm Seokjin, nice to meet you."

"You too," he replied.

"You remind me of myself, you know," Seokjin informed him.

"How so?"

"Been in a similar position to you. Didn't have a happy ending, though. But that's fine, because I can help you avoid the same mistakes I did!"

Jungkook hesitated, before replying with: "I don't even know you, how can I trust you?"

"I think you know me better than you think," he said, "want me to walk you to school?"

"Sure, why not? We're in the same school, right?"

"Mhm," Seokjin nodded.

Trailing behind Seokjin, Jungkook pondered about the situation. He found his newly made accomplice strange, to say the least. He'd never met somebody so comfortable with strangers, and he felt as if he was the polar opposite to him—Jungkook was shy and introverted, whereas he felt as though Seokjin was outgoing and talkative.

"So, hows your (y/n) doing, huh?"

"...I don't really know. Haven't seen her much."

"She seems nice. Although I heard she's dating Park Jimin."

Park Jimin.

That name alone made Jungkook feel such an intense anger, a feeling he'd never felt before. He felt threatened by him and he wanted him gone. All he was doing was getting in his way—and he couldn't have that. He hated Jimin, he was sure of that.

"Jimin?" Jungkook repeated his name.

"Around 5"8, blonde hair, hangs around Taehyung and Hoseok. Surely you've heard of him?"

"No, I know exactly who he is. I hate him," He replied.

Seokjin laughed.

"I feel bad for you, nobody can compete with him," he finally answered.

t h e n   y o u   n e e d   t o   g e t   r i d   o f   h i m .

'He hasn't done anything, though. It's not his fault, is it?' Jungkook asked himself.

of course it's not his fault
it's your fault
for not doing anything sooner
you're PATHETIC.

"You okay there?" Seokjin asked, seeing that Jungkook had stopped walking.

"...yeah, no, I'm fine," he replied, seeing that they were at the school gates.

"Well, I'll see you around, I guess."

Jungkook looked up to see him go, but he had already gone, vanished from his sight. He found this strange, he found Seokjin's entire being strange, but thought nothing more of it.

• I I •

Walking down the hallway to go to class, Jungkook felt himself bump into another figure, one slightly smaller than him. He looked to see the topic of his conversation with Seokjin, Park Jimin. He realised that he was much smaller than he anticipated, yet still extremely attractive just as  his newly found friend mention to him.

"Sorry, are you okay?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook was taken aback—he fully expected Jimin to be the typical popular jerk, the bully who always got the girls and looked down on anybody who wasn't attractive or popular like himself. Instead, he was caring and the opposite of that stereotype. He could see why (y/n) liked him, and if he was honest, he wished Jimin was a jerk so he'd have a reason to not like him and justify what he wanted to do.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry," Jungkook quickly replied to him.

Jimin flashed a smile, one that made his eyes disappear and accentuated his full lips.

n o   w o n d e r   ( y / n )   l i k e s   h i m

y o u   s h o u l d   g e t   r i d   o f   h i m

"But... he's nice."

"Are you talking to me?" Jimin asked.

"No, it was nothing," Jungkook replied, rushing off.

He could feel Seokjin's eyes piercing through him, watching the entire encounter. But he couldn't see him around. He knew he wasn't there, but couldn't help but feel as if he was watching him. As if he had made a deal with the devil himself. Jungkook just hoped that he wouldn't have to hurt anybody, not today.

His mother wouldn't appreciate having to clean bloody clothes, again.

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a/n; so sorry for not updating
hopefully i can be more regular with updates now 💜

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