Chapter 2 (Anna)

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Heyy, just a quick A/N. It's Anna, and I write stuff on @ahogwartsghost. I don't write too similarly to Angela but I hope you like it anyway. by the way, this is my first time writing anything percico. not smut though, I've written that before haha. oh, and I'm doing Angela's rule. four stars (****) warn for smut. the first four you see mark the beginning, the last four finish it.


Nico's POV

(two weeks later)

Percy and I had been hanging out much more after that.. thing. I don't really know how I felt about it. I'm still so mixed up over it. Like, my crush that I've had for basically EVER is talking to me? And loves me back? Unbelievable.

Two weeks after we had first kissed was Percy's birthday. He invited us all to a huge party at his cabin. He said that I had to be there, and if I wasn't he was going to ditch his own party to come and find me. A bit too harshly romantic, if you ask me.

The time had arrived for the party to start. I showed up, almost the last one there, dressed in a usual tee-shirt and jeans, not too fancy. Percy said to dress casual anyway. I didn't want to be the first one there, I needed to have a bit more time to figure myself out anyway. I didn't want to be too late either.

I knocked on the door, listening to the loud but muffled music blasting out from the inside. The door opened and Percy appeared, holding an already half-emptied bottle in one hand.

"Oh.. Come in.. Hey, Nico! Glad you're here!" He grinned stupidly, obviously tipsy at least. I guess the Vodka had already messed up his connection with reality. He kissed me somewhat roughly and I could taste the liquor he'd already drank. Is he drunk? Had I really showed up this late?

"C'mon, babe, let's go upstairs," he slurred, pulling my hand into the madness. The music's volume escalated so quickly I thought I would go deaf, and the atmosphere became crowded and restless. The scent of beer hovered in the air like the dim lights on the ceiling. It was dark and cramped and the only way I knew where to go was to follow the direction I was being pulled in. Percy led me up to a room where I'd been a couple days before. His bedroom. We had a huge makeout session here. It still faintly smelled of the pizza we ate.

Percy say down on the bed and pulled me down next to him. Before I can even get a word out to ask him anything, he pulls me into a kiss. It was rough, to be completely honest. He had never kissed me like this. The alcohol tasted bitter, but it contradicted perfectly with his usual sweetness. Just as he pulled away for breath, I was able to throw out the question, "What are you doing? Why are w-" I was cut off by his lips against mine, again forceful and passionate. He trailed kisses down my neck, and whispered along my skin, "You'll see, Nico. Don't worry."


As he sucked and nipped at my flesh, leaving marks and spots, his hands moving up and down my torso, starting at my chest, then working their way down to the bottom hem. Once his hands reached the space between the end of my shirt and the beginning of my jeans, he slid his hands under the fabric and went up again, his fingertips trailing my abs and ribs, then stopping again at my chest. He pushed against me, laying on top of me while I looked up at him. He brushed his hands over my stomach area again, and I couldn't help but ruin the moment with a light giggle. "Stop it.. I'm ticklish!" I said between squeaks. He obviously didn't register what I said correctly. The alcohol fucks up his brain too much. He must've thought I said something like "Stop teasing!" or whatever, because next thing I knew, his hand was down and brushing against my boxers. His hand grazing all over my shaft, I unintentionally moaned. "Fuck," I breathed, and I couldn't help it. He hadn't even been rubbing against it for more than a few seconds and I was already hard. He looked at me, his gaze unfocused due to his drunk state, and slurred cheekily, "Ooh, what's this, Nico? You brought me a present?" He laughed at himself, and unzipped my jeans while doing so. He slid them off my legs and threw them across the room. I did the same to him. I don't care if he was drunk. I don't care if he wouldn't remember a thing about this tomorrow. At least that way if this was terrible he'd forget it. But then again, what if it was amazing? If it was, I'd have to make sure it would be so perfect that he'd remember it even through the blurred events. He pulled his shirt off and then glanced down at me, starting to throw mine away as well. I looked up at him, mesmerized. It is impossible for someone to look that perfect. I sat up to make the process of removing my shirt easier, only to be pushed down again the second it was off. We laid there in our underwear, making out, with him on top of me and his dick rubbing against mine. I moaned again, this time a bit louder. I figured no one could hear us downstairs with the music and the conversations.

"Nicooo.." Percy whined, hovering over me. "Yeah?" I asked, almost breathless. "Can I fuck youu?" My eyes widened slightly, although I have no clue why. I wanted him. I needed him. I needed him more than air or food or water. I needed him so badly it hurt. "Mmhmm," I replied, taking the Vodka bottle from the side of the bed where it almost spilled and downing what was left. I cast it aside on the floor. He smirked at me, and that only made me want him more. He's so fucking hot. And so, he did what I told him he could, making it probably the best feeling in my life. How could I have ever waited this long? I didn't need to figure anything out. I wanted him. I needed him. I always had and I always will.

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