Chapter 18 (Angela)

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btw this chapter does have a mention of rape in it so just a TW


Jason's POV (don't question it)


I remembered Nico coming in and seeing me and Leo like that. He got mad and after what he had said I questioned Leo. Leo broke it off with me and I was very vengeful. Nico got Leo before me? And now Leo's over here talking about how much he loved Nico secretly before we got together. I was stupid and I was desperate. I ran to the Hectate cabin and my good friend Kale, with whom I used to train with, opened the door. I told him my situation and he gave me a solution. I brought Leo to the cabin, with some argument from him, and locked the door. Kale worked some magic and boom. Two Leo's stared wide eyed at me. They looked at each other in shock while I thanked Kale for his help. I would take the original Leo and we would get all the time we wanted to ourselves while the other would roam around camp and do Leo stuff. Perfect plan. Until Leo #2 started talking smack to us. He was like the complete opposite of the Leo we knew. He was demonic and very rude. He summoned fire, almost burned down the cabin (my wind blew it out in time), and then ran off. We couldn't catch him and it was the dead of the night so there was little to no hope.

I had the real Leo with me and we got closer than ever - physically and emotionally - after I convinced him he's always loved me. Then stuff happened. Bad stuff.

~current time~

Nico's POV

I stared at Percy. He walked over to me. He reached to untie me but I thrashed and tried to kick him away. He killed him. He killed him. Percy. Killed. Leo. I was sucking in large breaths of air. I realized Percy undid the bonds. His sword was back as a pen in his pocket. He ran his hand gently down my cheek.

"Are you ok?" he whispered.

Then I screamed. I screamed the loudest and most inhumane scream that could've come from my throat. He covered my mouth with his hand. I calmed down and sat up. I looked quickly at Leo. The wound still seeped blood and the smell intoxicated the cabin. His face was frozen in a state of pure shock and terror. Then the unexpected happened. Jason burst through the door with Leo... at... his.. side... What? I looked down at the Leo on the floor and then at the one next to Jason.

"What?" Me and Leo(?) asked, obviously confused.

"I can explain." Jason and Percy said simultaneously.

~Time skiippzz to after boring exlaining~

"Are you saying..." I said to Jason, "that you cloned Leo so you could fuck him 24/7 and not worry if someone noticed he was gone?"

"Kinda..." he replied.

"What the literal fuck is wrong with my friends..." I said under my breath.

I was ok and calmed down. Percy on the other hand, was the complete opposite.


Jason looked at his feet in shame. The other, or rather original, Leo was still staring in horror at his clones dead body on his floor. We were lucky it was dinner so no one was in their cabins really. This would've been bad to explain.

"Uh guys..." I got their attention. "What are we gonna do with... him?"

We were silent for a moment. There was still blood on the floor and a deathly scent in the whole cabin.

Jason spoke up. "Here's what we're gonna do. Nico shadow travel the body somewhere, like a dump or the middle of a lake. Percy, get water to wash out all the blood. Leo will dry everything with his heat and I'll blow out all the deathly smell with a gust of wind."

"Got it!" we all said and went to work.

Getting the body out wasn't hard. Just nasty. Plus I had to find a place for it. I could always put it in the middle of a lake but I wouldn't have a way to shadow travel away. If I put it in a dump, someone might find it and freak. I pondered for a second. I traveled to a field. I put the fake Leo down and went to the nearby woods for, well, wood. I put some sticks all around him and then rubbed some prices together and set it on fire. It was a bit strange, but the dead didn't faze me.

I've finished my part and traveled back to the guys. I was instantly blown against the wall very roughly. Percy yelled out and caught me as soon as Jason realized I was here. He apologized like thirty times before I slapped him to shut up. The bell sounded for everyone to go to sleep and not long after, campers flooded into their cabins. Percy carried me back to mine and we fell asleep almost instantly.




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