Chapter 4

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Finally, after a rather embarrassing incident involving Darcy, Hermione, Harry, and a troll, it was Christmas. The whole group was going home for Christmas, then they were meeting up Christmas afternoon at Harry's to meet his papas. (You know where this is going)

The group had expanded to include Harry, Darcy, Hermione, Neville, Pansy, Fred, George, and a third year Hufflepuff named Cedric. (You know where this is going, too)

They had a delicious lunch of Belgian waffles with melted chocolate on top, prepared by Kreacher for "little master and his friends. Not for mutt masters." However, Harry convinced the house elf to feed the adults as well, though they didn't get any chocolate, or waffles. They got burnt toast. The twins thought it was hilarious, so Harry's papa, Sirius, in dog form chased them around 12 Grimmauld Place. Harry's other papa, Remus, laughed at the ridiculousness the three pranksters had gotten into already. Then it was time for presents.

Hermione got everyone a book on their favorite subject at Hogwarts. Darcy chose a small but expensive necklace for each of the girls, and a ring for each of the boys. All the jewelry was heavily enchanted to protect the wearer from harmful spells, hexes, and jinxes. Harry and the twins had gone to a muggle dollar store and gave everyone some cheap gag gifts. Cedric, always the Hufflepuff, had given everyone some weed brownies. The adults were not happy with that turn of events, but at least the kids were all chill as they finished opening presents. Neville gave everyone a Honeydukes gift card. Pansy got all her friends weapons because she's a badass like that, and the adults got the kids muggle technology. Trust them, you never want to see what a high Hufflepuff does with an iPhone.

(Yes, I know the timelines don't work. Just go with it. Be like Elsa...Let it Go!!!)

Spoiler alert! He tried to eat it.

So after a very important lesson on how drugs and technology don't mix, the children and their families began to filter through the floo to their own homes. Darcy and her mother were the last to leave. Before she stepped into the fireplace, she ran over and hugged her future husband-wait what-best friend.

"I really like you," she whispered in his ear.

For the first time since his second Halloween, Harry slept peacefully through the night.

In the room down the hall, sleep was more elusive.

"Hey, Siri, do you think we should get married?" Remus asked.

"Honestly, no," a female voice with an American accent responded from the nightstand.

"Ignore the phone. I think we're an amazing couple and our wedding would be fantabulous! Plus, I read in a Wolfstar fanfic on AO3 that married couples have better sex and I think we owe it to science to see if that's possible."

I'm actually reading a story where Sirius mentioned that married couples have better sex, so I had to mention it.  You should go check it out.  The first book is called "The Chamber of Secrets and Half the Adults are Idiots".  It's on Archive Of Our Own.  The series is called "The Much Better, Dursleys can Fuck Off, Slytherins are People Too Au"

Go read it!!!!

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