Chapter Thirty-One: "Sadie."

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A cool breeze caressed Sadie's soft skin. She opened her eyes and uncovered her ears. It was quieter than before. All she could hear was the steady rain.

She looked around from her hiding place. Her eyes widened when she noticed that the front door was ajar.

The headlights from the police car were shining upon it.

Better yet, Sadie noticed the flashlight by the door as well. If she could only reach it.

Sadie peeked over the couch. It was too dark to be able to tell what was what. Especially with all the odd shapes of who knows what on the floor.

Gasping when she saw her father on the ground beneath the television, she immediately started to crawl over to him—magic blanket still in hand.

She shook him with all her strength, but he didn't wake. Her breathing quickened, and tears started to well up in her eyes.

Wiping her nose on her arm, she held back her tears and sniffed back her runny nose.

Sadie dropped the magic blanket and began trying to drag her father.

He was too heavy for her and didn't budge.

She let herself fall back onto her rump and could feel her tears creeping back.

Suddenly, she looked up and saw the behemoth staring right back at her from across the room.

The two paused and remained motionless.

That was, until the behemoth cocked its head to the side and started to move.

Sadie remembered the flashlight by the door and scrambles toward it.

The behemoth had gone the opposite way around the wall that separated the entryway from the loungeroom.

With the flashlight in hand, Sadie flicked the switch.

Nothing. It wouldn't remain on.

Sadie smacked the flashlight frantically, trying to get it to work properly.

The behemoth was waiting at the opposite end of the entryway.

Each time the flashlight flickered, it would squint and look away.

She looked to the monster. It had begun to walk toward her.

Sadie stepped back until she reached the front door and could walk no further, all the while hitting the flashlight against her hand.

She went to run but the behemoth stood up as tall as it could and opened its mouth wide.

A drum like sound bellowed out and it sounded like the noises were echoing rapidly back and forth.

The sound was deafening. Sadie had to drop the flashlight to cover her ears. The glass on the flashlight cracked upon impact, and it rolled away from her.

When the sound ceased, she uncovered her ears and stared at the monster.

Its eyes and gaping mouth didn't move a muscle, but the sound that came out next sent a chill right through Sadie's whole body and frightened her to the bone.

In a chilling, unworldly voice, the behemoth said, "Sadie."

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