1. It's A Damn Cold Night

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 I was going to die. 

It was only a matter of minutes before the hypothermia kicked in and ended my suffering. 

I was out in the middle of nowhere. It would take days to find me, and once someone finally did and thawed me out of all the ice, no one would recognize me in this part of town. I would most likely be cremated and have a tiny article of my death in the newspaper on the seventh page.

 But the idea of cremation did not seem so bad right now; It would be better than this freezing rain.

My heart suddenly picked up its speed as I heard the best thing I'd heard all day: The sound of a car engine.

Had they changed their mind? Would they take me back? Would I even go back?

I slowly turned around, desperate for anything. My spirits fell as I saw a big black truck instead of that familiar red van.

I stood frozen as I saw it slow down and come to a stop right in front of me.

 I was caught debating if I should use the last bit of energy in me to run, or to take my risks and see if this random truck driving in the middle of nowhere at this ungodly hour would actually be of any help.

My eyes fell to the front of the car where the outline of a tall, well-built guy came into view.

The rain drenched him in seconds and I watched as his face and figure came into clear view now. 

He was gorgeous. As if I were witnessing an angel.

Or maybe I was just so drained and starting to lose it.

His dark brown hair was dripping with water and instantly stuck to his slightly tanned skin as the downpour engulfed him. He looked no older than twenty-one. The rain had made his black shirt and pants cling to his well built body, showing the outline of a nice set of  abs. 

 For the first time today, I was appreciative of this downpour.

"Are you okay?" His voice came out smooth and deep, reaching me through the rain. I looked up to see his face a few inches away, concern filling his grey eyes which were trained on me.

I simply studied his face, unsure of how to respond to that. Finally, I settled with a nod. "Yeah, the rain won't melt me." I managed out, my voice coming out cynical and cold.

The stranger rose an eyebrow, before taking in my soaked, shivering form. "Here, come with me." He spoke softly, offering out a hand.

"I'm fine, do you know where the nearest gas station or whatever is?" I asked him, trying to hide my shivering form by crossing my arms.

He was charming and sweet, but like hell was I getting in a car with a stranger. Albeit it'd be better than dying on the side of a deserted road all alone from hypothermia, I wasn't sure who this guy was and didn't want to risk getting thrown into yet another conundrum.

"The nearest gas station would probably be a two hour walk from here. I can tell you for a fact you won't make it in this downpour, especially without even a jacket." The guy spoke, crossing his arms and looking at me flatly. "There's an extra spot in my truck, it's just me and my best friend, you can even use our phones if you need to call someone." The guy added.

I contemplated what to do next as I looked him over, then at his massive truck, then the long dead dark road that seemed to stretch on for miles and miles.

"I'll hand you my phone and you can have the police on speed dial if you're worried we're going to abduct you. I just don't feel good about leaving you to die on the side of the road. Especially at this time, you're probably not going to see any other cars driving down this road." The guy added once I didn't budge, pulling out a phone from his pocket and handing it to me.

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