part 4

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The following day everyone was spending their time at the mall having fun, getting new things that each individual wanted and looking for medicine. That was the most difficult part, having so many different languages that no one knew and somehow trying to decipher languages. It took a while.

But in the end they found one and that was what counted. A few days later Lance was back to his usual bubbly self, jumping round the castle and annoying the quiznak out of everyone like usual.

Allura was the first one to bring up the discussion of who was going to pilot the blue lion and everyone suggested she did, however the shield would not come down unless Lance was with her so (as much as she didn't want to) Lance came with them on missions.

Dangerous? Yes. But necessary despite Keith and Shiro's reluctance.

"Keef! Pway with meeeeee." Lance pulled on the 19 year olds arm and Keith let out a loud sigh. This had been happening for the past ten minutes, each time Keith responded with the same answer and the cycle would begin again much to his annoyance.

He finally gave up and gave a defeated groan, unable to stop a small smile spreading across his face. Even baby Lance could find ways to annoy him. He was secretly glad for the company the younger gave and watched as Lance smiled brightly, happy at Keith's new answer of a drawn out 'fiiiiiiine.'

"What're we playing then you little rascal? Lance let out a hearty giggle and did a twirl enthusiastically. "Hide and seek!" Keith rolled his eyes with a playful grin and stood up, turning round and counting out loud. "No peaking!" He heard Lance yell as the pitter patter of feet became more distant.

"Keith counted to thirty just for good measure then began wondering in and out of rooms, looking in cupboards and behind machinery. He never realised just how big the castle was until an hour later when he was still looking, tired and slightly annoyed.

He got everyone else to help find him and soon six people were all looking for Lance when the alarms went off.

"There's an intruder!" Allura yelled as everyone scrambled to put on their armour, temporarily forgetting about the game.

"Palladins! Spread out in teams of two and find the intruder, when you see them tell us." Each palladin nodded and split into teams consisting of Pidge and Hunk, Shiro and Keith, Allura and Corran." They spread out and just like that a new game of hide and seek had started.

Keith and Shiro were in the lower levels, around where the pods were kept and the hanger to the lions when they heard a cry, a thump, then muffled yells. They both sprung into action and ran towards where the sound was, rounding a corner to see the intruder with Lance in his grip. He was squirming around, mouth covered by this Galra's hand as tears ran down his face. Frightened tears.

"Lance! Put him down right now!" Both Shiro and Keith were enraged and Keith pulled out his Bayard, transforming it into a sword. Before he could make a move the Galra pulled out a knife, holding it dangerously close to Lance's neck with a grin.

"I wouldn't come any closer if you want him to live." Shiro clenched his teeth and Keith growled dangerously, snarling at the intruder with such hate that Shiro could feel it.

"Put him down." Shiro's voice was stern and hard, something so commanding that the intruder flinched slightly put still kept his grip.

"I don't think so, I'll be the one making the shots around here. First put your weapons on the ground. Now." They did as they were told and Shiro pressed a button on his armour discreetly, a distress signal.

"Now, lead me to the main control room. Any funny business and he gets it." Lance let out a small whimper as the knife was pushed slightly to his neck, a small bit of blood dribbling from the sharp blade digging into his flesh.

Shiro and Keith walked immediately to the control room, intruder and Lance just behind.

"What's going on Sh-" Pidge stopped as she saw the person behind them. Or rather, the two people behind them. "Lance?" She looked at him while he struggled in distress, going stiff when the Galra pushed the knife slightly, creating a small cut.

"Weapons down." He said sternly, Pidge complied and put her Bayard down on the ground. Standing back while he walked over to the control panel, hacking into the lions hangers. He was going to open the doors so his comrades could walk right in and take the lions.

Lance's hand slowly and carefully pulled a blade out from the man's pocket. Trying to be as discreet as possible. His body was shaking and he felt like he was choking on his tears. Fear. Fear swallowed him and he was afraid it would cloud his judgement. He hoped he was doing the right thing.

None of his friends could do anything and they all watched helplessly as the man typed in code, about to press the button that would lead to their demise.

"Vrepit sa." His finger went down just as Lance swung his arm round harshly, metal connected with skin as the man reeled backwards, dropping Lance with a harsh scream. He held onto his injured hand with a scowl and looked over at the toddler who was scrambling away from him in fear.

"I'm going to kill you!" He screamed out, lunging at Lance when Pidge pulled out her Bayard and pulled the man back away from the shaking Lance. "Lance!" Shiro ran over to him and lifted him gently into his arms, keeping him close to calm him down.

Keith on the other hand was furious, letting his anger control him as he pushed his sword into the man's chest, yelling out profanities as the intruder slumped to the floor. Blood coating his armour.

They all looked at the corpse with wild eyes, a deathly silence filling the room despite Lance's muffled cries of terror. "Don't worry, it's all over now." Lance nussled closer to Shiro but he was still just as shaky, letting out a small "Don't leave me" that Shiro replied amost instantly to. "I won't. Promise." And Lance believed him, enjoying the comfort Shiro was giving him knowing that things were ok.

As long as he had his family with him everyone would be ok.

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