part 5

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Lance fell asleep being cradled in Shiro's arms, much to Keith's disappointment. No one wanted to leave Lance alone after that so they all snuggled together on the couch in the living area, sleeping softly and peacefully together.

Lance was cuddled in the middle, snoring quietly and mumbling something about 'space family' in his sleep.

He woke up hours later sandwiched comfortably between all his family and smiled happily, feeling more safe and loved than he had in months.

Deciding that it was better to stay in bed with all of them then get up he stayed where he was, remaining still and  content until eventually someone else woke up as well.  

"Morning Lance. Did you sleep well?" Shiro was the first one awake (besides Lance) despite having the first decent sleep in a while due to his nightmares that hadn't effected him last night.

"Heya daddy! Can we go get food?" Shiro nodded and lifted Lance out of the pile, resting him on his non-prosthetic arm. They ate together and Shrio took Lance to the bathroom afterwards, running a warm bath.

He plopped Lance down into the water and he giggled with excitement, splashing happily at Shiro who didn't mind getting wet at all, it was worth it to see Lance happy.

Lance's small fists smashed into the water, laughs filling the room as he wiggled around. They where in there for about an hour before the water went cold and Lance wanted to get out. Shiro complied and dried him off before looking through the cupboards, finding an adorable blue cat onesie and plopping it on Lance, in awe about how adorable he looked as he carried him to the kitchen to see everyone awake.

Shiro sat Lance down on his lap at the table and gave him food, feeding him so he didn't make a mess after just having a bath.

They were chatting when Allura came in, talking about how they'd had a stressful couple of days and could take a day of today to relax which caused everyone to cheer happily and think about what they were going to do on there day off when Keith suggested that he looked after Lance to give Shiro a break.

A strange but helpful gesture that was very uncommon of Keith. "Ooohhhhh it's because Keith has a crush!" Pidge cheered out in a teasing tone, watching as Keith's face glowed red. "No! It's just to help Shiro out, and all of you have spent time with him except me..." he trailed off at the end, face turning even more red if that was possible as Pidge laughed.

"Sure Keith, you can spend the day with him." Keith mentally high five himself and smiled as Lance shouted out "yaayyy, Keef!" joyfully as he ran over to him and put his hands in the air, begging to be picked up.

"Ok you little rascle. What do you want to do today?" Lance gave him an affectionate pat on the noise as he was picked up, sticking his toung out slightly as he thought about what he wanted to do. "Um, um. I want to play outside! Outside is pwetty!"

"Ok, but only because you're adorable." Pidge squealed in the background and Keith suddenly remembered that he was still with the others, embarrassment making him flush and stutter. Lance didn't notice and jumped out of Keith's arms, running out the room clumsily with small giggles.

"Hey! Lance come back." The humiliation was forgotten as he chased after Lance, smiling as he caught up to him and scooped him into his arms while Lance let out an excited squeal. "Let's go Keef! Outside!" Keith nodded and walked over to his lion, sitting down comfortably with Lance in his lap securely.

"Are you ready?" Lance nodded enthusiastically as Keith pushed forwards on the controls, his lion lurching out of the castle and out into the atmosphere of the nearby planet.

Lance's eyes lit up like stars at the size of the beautiful planet, pointing to it in fascination while keith watched in amusment until they landed.

The planet itself was much like earth, covered in trees and grass and littered in strange flowers, colours illuminating the surface of the ground.

Lance was immediately running around, picking up everything he could and looking at it before moving on to the next stone or plant he could find. He walked over to the clearing of the forest and looked into it, a tiny bit scared at the thought of going alone. He looked back at Keith who laughed and picked him up, carrying him on his shoulders and stepping into the woods.

Blue blossoms from the trees were falling down onto his face causing him to laugh and place them into Keith's hair, adorning his mullet in pink and orange petals.

They reached a clearing littered in stunning blue and red flowers, each colour bright and clear. Keith set Lance down and watched as he began to run around, picking up as many flowers as he could carry as Keith laid down on the turquoise grass, soft blades tickling the back of his neck slightly.

With his eyes closed and body relaxed he felt completely peaceful with the warm sun pressing into his face, alluring him into a gentle and calming sleep.

When he woke up at first he was dazed, wondering when exactly he had fallen asleep before the thought of Lance popped into his head and he looked around, panicked at the lack of the hyperactive toddler. "Lance!? Lance where are you?" Keith shouted out into the open and barren field, eyes scanning the treeline for any sign of blue. "LANCE!" His voice echoed slightly, working to disturb the quiet in an uncanny manor.

He stood up abruptly and walked to the nearest set of trees, going further into the forest as the sun's began to set over the planet.

"Lance come out! This isn't funny." Keith tried again, desperately looking around and calling out his name a few more times until a high pitched wail from somewhere nearby caught his attention and he began to run towards the general direction he heard the noise, worry gnawing away at him and causing his heart to beat fast as he sudenly skidded to a stop, catching blue in the corner of his vision. 

(Sorry about spelling and grammatical errors, my phone is not in my bed and I'm way to lazy to go get it so I can't use autocorrect. My tablet doesn't have it and it's really annoying.) 

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