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"YOU need rest." 

She chuckled softly. 

"I've been 'resting' for four months. Let me stay awake for a few more hours." 

Raph grunt but laughed, putting his head in the crook of her neck. Nadia, after eating and drinking enough water to bring the color back to her skin, was resting on Raphael's lap in the TV pit. 

She had a content smile on her face that seemed to never disappear. While everyone was sleeping and enjoying their rest, Nadia and Raph were catching up on lost time, something that the two were both eager to do. 

They kept silent, the TV quietly playing behind Nadia. They eventually turned it off, allowing Raph to focus on Nadia's face. It was obvious that she was weaker than before. Her cheeks were hollowed out and the bags under her eyes were much darker than before. The shower she had taken, with Florence's help, seemed to liven up her hair which Raph couldn't help but touch. 

He ran his hands through the thick red strands, a smile on his face. Nadia noticed his look and leaned forward, her frail fingers reaching up to his headband. 

"Four months," he mumbled as Nadia' fingered the headband. His eyes were shut, but Nadia saw the pain on his face. "For four months you were asleep. . .I thought you'd. . .I didn't think you would. . ." 

"Shh," breathed Nadia as she cupped Raph's cheek and rubbed it with her thumb. "I'm here now." 

Raph opened his eyes and curled the corners of his lips up into a gentle smile. 

"I know." 

Nadia smirked and leaned forward but froze when a shooting pain drift up her leg. She winced, causing Raph to sit up with furrowed brows. 

She cast her leg a long glare, not yet used to the cast that was around her entire shin. Raph saw her look and rubbed her chin with his thumb and forefinger. 

"Hey," he breathed. Nadia turned her hazel eyes to the turtle who didn't take his hand from her chin. "It'll heal. April and Florence say that you should be able to take it off in two weeks. Avi's coming over tomorrow and you'll forget about the brace for now." 

Nadia couldn't help but groan as she leaned forward, placing her forehead in the crook of Raphael's neck. The red clad turtle chuckled and ran his hand through her hair while the other hand gently massaged her free arm. 

His hands never pulled away from her soft skin. He was too obsessed with her touch. Nadia smiled and placed a kiss on his neck, pleased with the soft exhale that Raph made through his nose. 

"I missed this," she hummed softly. Raphael sadly smiled and nodded. 

"Yeah," he murmured, unable to say anything else when Nadia placed another kiss on his neck. He shut his eyes, listening to her as she hummed a content sigh. 

"You should get some sleep," he eventually managed to say after Nadia stopped placing kisses on his face. A small moan of disapproval came from the girl as she wrapped her arms around his chest and did her best to squeeze. 

She tried to protest, but everything sounded muffled in the crook of Raph's neck. What he did hear, was the slight yelp when Raph stood, Nadia's legs still hanging around his waist. He did his best to wobble to his room, earning a mischievous smirk from Nadia. 

Raphael gave her a look. "We're sleeping.

She gave him a disappointed look and rolled her eyes but didn't say anything else as he used his foot to push open his door. 

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