Meeting the man who made it all

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I eyes awoke to a gong, and I looked around a palace of clouds. In the middle was a throne made of pure gold with a man who looked about 22 came to me. I looked at him glaring, he did not bother with food, greetings, anything, has this man no hospatality or any manners!? I looked up at his face and said "Hey, are we done with the staring fest, I have places to be, things to do, so please God, is it? Quickly decide my fate weather it is freakin hell, or heaven I have to go!" He looked at me, he really looked at me like he could see right into my soul (oh wait this is my soul) and chuckled. "Little Alvar, you are very cranky you know, but I guess that's how kids are. Now is that how you greet your old man, really old man!" My mouth hung open, so let me get this straight, my dada is a God, no The God! This just keeps getting better and better. "My father is dead, and I am a orphan." He became serious for once and said "Little one, I truly am your father, but this is no time for reunions, our time is short together. You see I was lonely being who I am, and I had no wife, so I created you, but that devil twin brother of mine took advantage of it so I hid you on earth, I am sorry my child, but Once I took you in heaven, but it backfired and he found you, kidnapped you and tortured you... so I took away your memory and hid you again to be found by lovely parents, but unfortunatley you suicided and died..." The only thing I could really say was "Oh" Now I really looked at him and he did seem nervous. "So, my child I am afraid I have to reincarnate you again, but it will be a good life of luck and fortune and you shall remember me this time, so all I want to say is I love you Alvar and you shall always be my darling! Goodbye!" He looked real sad, but he waved his hand as to dismiss me. All I got to say was "I love you too, dad." and then my vision became obsidion. 

I felt a pulling like I was sliding down a warm, slippery cocoon. My legs got out, and sooner or later so did my body. My vision was compltely blurry, only white lights were seen. But I did feel as if I was being handed down to somebody.  Then I felt more comfratable than I did in a long time, it was the best, but for some reason I was sleepy, but I wasn't sleepy before!?

My tire won and all went black again. Then again I appeared in the palace of clouds called Heaven where my father resides. And once again do I see the nervous wreck of a father who tried to protect me. So, I walked over, but there were guards assigned right in front of him, who stopped me. Dad was to busy to notice me, because he was reading a book. I was fustrated, today I lost everything, my dad wasn't paying attention to me, i am not who I thought I was, and I don't understand anything at all. "Listen here, don't you dare stop me from going to my father, he and I need to have a little talk about how he makes everyone so misreble, especially me that dork!" By then that got his attention and he nodded at the guards, who looked bewildered, stepped aside. "Honey, what are you doing aren't you supposed to be sleeping." I laughed, wow I always wanted to be the woman that when i wake up the devil says oh crap she is up, but I ended up being the woman when I wake up God says of crap she is up! "Dad you know exactly how I am feeling, please give me my memories back, PLEASE." His face darkens "Absolutley not, you will remember nightmares beyond your darkest dreams, torture so great, it will be terrible." I frowned "Daddy, please I need it, to understand everything, and I will remember you." I put on my pout face and took him on a guilt trip. His face softens in defeat, "Fine..." He touched me fore-head and I remembered  everything. My eyes became wet, and I hugged him like I never did before. I remebered the war, daddy, my previous lives, and my powers! With this I new I could sleep peacefully, so I laid in daddy's lap and fell asleep. 

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