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After getting ready for 5 secs... which was soo worth it, I looked amazing! The dress was black and purple-ish dress; whenever I would turn, it would sparkle like stars and it was just so cute! I knew it was almost time to go, so I quickly summoned myself to my father's study and found instead of father a lean man with odd carrot hair and a villainess face. I figured I was the villain of this world a long time ago, but to be honest this guy seems way more scary than me! He looked at me a bit startled to see a little girl suddenly appearing. All we did was stare at each other not saying a word. But our contest ended as soon as mother coming in the office, probably sensing my aura. She just glared at the man and held my hand and took me away outside to our carriage waiting for us! I did nothing; there was no point... Turns out my birthday is on the same day as the princes and we were celebrating it the same day at the same place! Yay! (do u hear my sarcasm...) I don't want my birthday celebrated with some snotty son of a ... boy ruining my day! I was thinking so deep about strategies to stay low and go with the flow that I didn't realize we arrived! I was supposed to be alert at all times; I am a failure! There was a little man who announeced all names and announced ours as well, quite loudly and a bit annoying to. He brought to much attention!!! I justed walked in and sat at a random seat; unaware that the devil himself would confront me!  I was bored so I summoned a book from my old world called 'School of Good and Evil' (comment below if u read it or heard about it, cause I want to know whether it is good or bad!) and just read and read. I felt someone sit next to me, call it my sixth sense and I looked. There were people surrounding me. I am a failure; I am supposed to stay ALERT! All were geniuses and bitches who looked good, and they looked at me like a sort of disease. I mean come on, there what 2, 5 year olds! I just ignored them and went back to reading my story! The boy in the middle who wore expensive clothing said "How dare you ignore me, the prince of this entire empire, and your future KING." He said king with a impact, I 'll give the little bitch a impact. "How dare you insult someone who can literally wipe out empire to empire without even blinking!" They all laughed, probably thought I was deluisional! I slid next to the brat and grabbed his hand and twisted it behind his back kicking him behind his knees bring him down! "What's so funny now!" I roared. The entire party was silent and crept away from me, fearing not to face my wrath. I smirked, pushed the prince out of my way, and gracefully sat on my seat and read! I was again interrupted by my sweet, kind mother saying it is time for me to cut my cake. I sighed... well lets show them that I am a prodigy! I walked over to the cake letting my true aura shine thru. People stepped out of my way and let me walk as I used magic to get a small, pathetic, plastic knife and upgrade it to a golden sword with a intricate handle designs! I thru the cake up in the air and jumped with my sword. Slicing in a pattern creating the perfect slices. I slowly floated down with the slices and made sure they were right in the middle of the plate and dessert was served. I yawned, grabbed cake, and left in the most awesome way. Hopefully know one saw me walking and almost tripping in on feet on my own dress. I swear I heard snickering but oh well! The prince I humiliated walked up to me and asked me if I would like to dance. I almost snorted at his question, but didn't and said in the most gentle yet mean way HELL NO BOY! He looked begging by now, saying it would ruin his reputation. I didn't care one dick but I might earn merits for this so fine. We waltzed around the floor not talking. I stared at the floor getting dizzy, he stared at anything but me or the floor. Our peace was interrupted by a pathetic bitch who wanted to dance with the prince. I was like " That is the best idea I ever heard since the era created clocks!" She was confused but took advantage of the situation! I was backing away and bumped into something. I turned around and saw the king. He looked displeased so I quickly apologized using my magic to clean whatever mess I made. Walking away I heard whispers, good and bad! Some saying I was a monster others saying I was prodigy among prodigy, bless there kind hearts! My parents were calling me now. I walked over in anger, can no one leave me alone for once. I looked at them and asked what they ever so needed and they told me the worst thing possible. MY. ENGAGEMENT. TO. THE. DEVIL. I was mortified. Now I saw the prince he was wearing a sour expression. I walked, no ran up to him and said "CANCEL THIS NOW!" He looked at me in the most irriatated way and said " Do you think I really want to be married to some trash kid like you. You aren't even beautiful unlike Ella,( refers to the bitch)!" He made sure everyone heard this. I looked around for anything to escape. I never heard anyone calling me ugly because I never cared, but now I don't know what is going on! I felt tears running down on my face and my legs getting a mind of their own running away! I ran and ran and ran and found a shady place. There I slept making my soul be transmitted to heaven so I can go to dad. I don't want to go anywhere right now... Sleep overtakes me and I fall into a deep sleep and a curse unknowingly! 

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