Pickup lines

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Harry~ You're one hot son of snitch!

Ron~ Are you a dementor because I'd become a criminal just to get your kiss.

Draco~ Going to bed?  Mind if I Slytherin?

Fred~ You know platform 9 3/4 well I know something else with the exact measurements

George~ Did you survive the Avada Kadavra? Because you're drop dead gorgeous.

Neville~ You can have the portkey to my heart.

Seamus~ My heart is on fire for you baby, along with a few other things...

Cedric~ If I were to look into the mirror or Erised, I would see the two of us together.

Oliver~ Wanna ride my broom baby?
I've been whomping my willow thinking bout you ;)

Marauders presented by Fred and George

James~ You're a Gryffin-whore because you always let the wizards Slyther-in. 

Sirius~ I don't need accio to make you come.

Remus~ Do you wanna head to the shrieking shack? We could do some shrieking of our own ;)

Severus~ I know we're not in Flitwick's class but you sure are charming.

Lucius~ Be my dumble-whore

Tom~ Wanna make some magic together? My wand is at the ready

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