Urban Dictionary Meaning of their name.

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Harry~ An extremely hot male who has the best personality ever! Is very verstile, a good kisser, extremely attractive and loveable. Very cuddly and popular. Cute, adorable and loving, he will always steal your heart. Very strong and loves to have a good time.

Draco~ When you look at him, your eye's  explode because of how adorable andd cute he is. He should be famous already!

Ron~ Strong, protector, lover, fighter, warrior. Stay on their good side! wrap your arms and legs around him and hold on tight! If he is ambivalent towards you, embrace the fact that you're probably a loser.

Fred~ A person who does stupid, annoying or idiotic things.

George~ The nost perfect person in the world, has a great smile. A person with a promising future, acts like he doesn't care, but really cares, a lot. Loves hugs and kisses, especially from his girl. Has some regrets but lives for the future. When he says he loves you, listen to him. He means it. No bull. A bit jealous, because the last thing he wants to do is lose you. One guy that is hard to find. Unusually big penis, but is more than happy to show you how it works, but will throw you iut of a party if you play a Justin Beiber song.
He's a king.

Cedric~ A person who is always there for you.

Neville~ A straightforward, honest and caring person. Very intelligent and wise but is misunderstood literally and figuratively.

Seamus~ The most beautiful man alive. Smart, kind and honest. A  true gentleman. He easily makes friends and is good to his girl and his family.


James~ Wanker. A useless bastard that doesn't know what the hell he's doing.

Sirius~ A sirius attitude is an attitude in which the person being sirius should not be taken seriously unless it is a serious matter. If it is not a serious matter, it then becomes a sirius matter, in which case one can simply overlook it to save themselves time .

Remus~ An expression of love and adoration.

Severus~ A really nice man who was prejudged because it looked like he was doing the broom jinx on Harry Potter but was actually doing the counter curse. (HINT HINT HARRY)


Tom~ An intelligent and sweet man who will do anything to nake you happy.

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