Team dragonslayer+Grimrose's first job

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Semqi's pov

"I'm lacking it." I said stretching my hands across the bar table.

"Lacking what?" Lena said and I looked at her still pinkish explosion of her hair the reached down to her shoulders.

"The action. The thrills. The blood pumping adrenalin. The scars and scrapes. All that fun." I sat up and flicked my white T-shirt so it was a cool move.

"Well, we would as Pinca when she gets back from doing whatever whith her brother." Grimrose said pulling his head up so we could see the long rose tatoo from his cheek to the end of his neck.

"Ask me what?" She said walking in in a short shorts and a tank top with metal outlines on the ends of her cloth. She sat at his lap because in the week that we are here he can call Pinca his girl. When I found this out I interveiwed him in the archives and found out this; he did know Pinca when we in Edolas but not for a while. I felt he was lucky I wanted to tell Lena how I felt but she wouldn't go out with a guy like me, not in a million years.

"I was just asking everyone if we wanted to go on a job." I said.

"How dose everyone think of this propastion?" Pinca asked.

"I want to go but when did anyone put you in charge?" Lena said. "I should be in charge."

"Screw this lets go pick a job."

"Hey everyone didn't vote" Grimrose complained.

"You lose. I want to go. Points lost" Pinca said and she jumped off his lap and we all flocked to the request board. "Hmmmm, wich to pick?"

"Looking for a first job there dragon siblings?" We all turned and saw Lucy there smiling at us.

"Yep" I smiled and we all looked back at the board. We all scaned the board looking for a good job.

A few minutes passed and I was so focused that Grimrose's voice scared the living heck out of me. "Hey guys how about this one?" He said and he pulled of a peice of paper of the board. We all looked and the flyer read, '30000 jewls to the wizards who cach a group of gangsters hidden somewhere around Hagon Harbour.'

"Sounds sweet lets go" I took the flyer and started to walk off but then Lena grabed my shirt collor. "Hey! Lena what's with you?"

"We have to check in with Mira" Lena said gruffly. She walked over to a counter and I sat onu the floor. Wendy came over and saw me sitting there and desided to se what was the matter with me.

"Hey Oni-san, what with you?" She said looking down at me.

"Waiting for Lena so we can go on out first job." I responded to my little sister. I reached for her and took her waist and grabed her in my lap ticking her. "What are you doing any ways? Why worry about me?" She was laughing her Burt off and I wasn't drawing any attion due to the loud noise that the rest of the team's brothers, and a guy without a shirt. No he lost his pants, Nastu stole his underwere. I have to keep Wendy away from that pervert, note to self.

"Hey tickling boy come on we're going" Grimrose said.

"See you little sis." I rubbed her head and stood up. I walked up to the rest of me team. "You just hate me don't you" I nugged Grimrose.

"Hey what are guys doing?" He said infront of him looking at the two girls with their arms inveloped in flame and metal.

"We're flying." Pinca said nosalantly.

"How long is that from here to Hagon?"

"Well Magola has low wind rate a jetstream moving in the opposite direction that were going, a storm soon to come, and we have to go with you, so-" I said figuring out the math to it.

"You know I do hats you right now." Grimrose said pinching his face together.

"Then the trip with us flying will take about twelve hours" figureing out timing in my head hurts.

"Dude I know a way we can get there in an hour."

"How?" We all said looking at him.

••• Time Skip •••

Pinca's pov

"" I gasped about to puke. "" I weakly pointed at Grimrose.

"Well I think the train is nice" Semqi said sipping some tea out of his cup.

" aren't ...sick?" I saw Lena lay on Semqi's lap.

"I was trained by Granedy, I'm a pureblood wind dragon slayer. We don't extremely motion sick." He said putting his cup on the windowsill. "And I can't cast Trova on you because you both built up a resistance to it."

"Extreme motion sickness? What's that?"

"A stupid......thing that....Lena, my brother,her brother........and me get..........we get sick......on.....moving...........vehicles" I said putting myself down on his lap.

"Looks painful" was his only coment. "We only have fifteen more minutes before we get off." Lena and I groaned at the same time.

••• time skip •••

Lena's pov

"I hate the damed moving vehicles" Pinca said still wouzy. I was totally fine because when I got off of the vehicles I was fine.

"Well there is the client's house is a few blocks that way" Semqi said pointing in a northly direction. "Walk in silence, like ninjas." He said looking above his map and back at us.

"Why?" I asked. And I noticed we were in an empty glade with a large fenced house infront of us.

"Because-" he moved quickly and pushed me out of the way of a orange lazer beam. "That." He pointed at four mechanisms coming out of the ground. Pinca seemed all right because when they where aiming she came out of nowhere and sliced one in half.

"Feeling better?" I yelled and she threw some Kundin knifes at me.

"Oh, give me one I'm hungery" Semqi caught the kundi knife in his mouth as I aimed for his temples. We looked up and saw Pinca laughing at the broken mechanisms that she was eating and distroying at the same time. "That's your girlfriend." He pointed out to Grimrose and I couldn't help but laugh. He walked up and grabbed her shoulder "come on Manic girl, lets go creep out the client." I couldn't hold it in and I laughed my butt off. Grimrose slaped me and Semqi in the back of the head and we seared his buttox. He looked back at us with a dirty stair and put his hand interlocked with Pinca's.

I pulled a head of them and rand the door bell. "Hello are you the fairy tail mages?" Said a small man voice, a butler probably.

''Ya sorry we recked your robots, well or firend did."

"Ok come on in" the butler voice said and I heard a click with my sensative dragon ears and opened the gate and walked in the manstion. Wen I entered the door I erased all the thoughts I had of a manstion. The place was totally ripped to shreads and the white walls had mold and stains all over it. Semqi looked at it then droped his third kudani knife on the floor.

"Hello Fairy Tail Mages." I heard a voice that was alien but sounding in the same room as us. We all scaned the floor and I only looked down when I Fletcher something tugging on my fuffy pants. I looked and saw a a man that looked like Mr.Tanaka from Black Butler(they have Manga in Edolas, I saw a store).

"Nice place." Grimrose said and I wacked him upside the head. 'Be niece' I mouthed.

"Yes yes, it was nice. Hohohoho(that was for my emusement.) But I know on the request says 30000 for a bunch of bandets but I will pay you 100000 for something else." We all were slacked jawed and payed more attention.

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