What happens when you eat Erza's cake (not recomended)

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I'm back~ Ive read all the chapters now and I really want to rant so I figured I'd do it on here.

Chapter 292- I figured that they go into one team at one point so i wasn't that surprised. And who else know where Ganjell got that new head band?

Chapter 293- That was a ............. very distrubing chapter 0_0

Chapter 294- the fated battle of dragon slayers whoot!

Chapter 295- lector gets some recontion and Ganjell gets pushedin a minecart.

Chapter 296- you see Nastu beat the crape out of the twin dragons.

Chapter 297- this was a totally mean chapter! I mean not showing the girl's face, and Levy for gods sake in scarred! Died... also died......and.....and.....my dear...... also..... who else cried? Give me a vote if you cried.

Chapter 300

I thought 300 would be the big chapter but noooo. And I don't care that Lucy got arrested. Anywho on to the story.


Lena's pov

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Erza shouted chasing Semqi as he ran across the gulid.

"All I did was eat a cake left out and it looked so good so I ate it." Semqi begged for his life.

"That the worst mistake you can make!" Nastu-nii Yelled at the hopeless boy scambleing to avoide the unraged titanna. Nastu-nii leaned back to me, "he's a goner. Personal experience."

"How bad was it?" I asked.

'' Sixteen stitches, casts on my legs and bestridden for a week. Sucked so much," I laughed with him as Semqi ran out yelling for his life.

After about fifteen minutes Erza came back and I moved out of my seat. "Hey were are you going?" Grimrose asked me.

"On a job," I joked sticking my toung out. "Tell Nastu-nii I'll be home at sundown." I said walking out on a quest to find Semqi.

Semqi's pov

Ok ow. That's going to hurt in the morning. Erza's rage hurts so much. I don't think I could get up but I have to get home or I could make a fire. All the best decisions lead to going home. I tried to stand up but I failed, falling over. I fell on a long grassed medow it would have been nice if someone hadn't gotten mad over a cake. I checked myself over and I had several injerys that I could heal if Grandey taught me how to but sadly I get to lose so blood. Yay! I just hope that someone cares enough to come and get me.

Lena's pov

God! How far did her run, or how fast dose Erza run? His sent is all stale and farther way then I think. After about a fifteen minutes I caught sent of his blood knowing that I was close I drooped to the ground and fought through the grass. I figured that this was a wasted search so I singed the grass and I followed the sent of blood and I found him laying there knocked out. I quickly set my hands on his body covering aleast the worst of his wounds or the ones that haven't crusted over. Once I was done with him I waited for him to wake up but I haven't slept in a whole day so the sleep dragon was hitting me hard with his breath attack so all I could do is sleep.

Semqi's pov

I woke up with more pressure on my chest that I could handle. I blasted the thing with some air and It moaned and moved around agenst my chest. I moved myself up and looked at the sleeping figure on my chest. My breath hiched when I saw Lena on my chest. I moved up and put her on the scorched ground and I wondered how it got that way. I looked up at the moon wafering in the sky.

I checked over the wounds that Erza gave me and they were all fully healed and replaced with new skin. That seamed fine enough with me to cary Lena all the way to her brother's house.


I know that is a filler chapter but I burned my thumb, pointer,and middle finger so I cant type as fast to its a short one.

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