~silent tears~
Tears silently gliding down my face
Sharp pain in my chest
Stopped up nose
Rooms getting darker and darker
My lights faded a thousand times
I've fought for what's right
I watched myself die inside everyday
Bit by bit
Long car rides
Fake smiles
Getting high
Losing track of time
All to just cope
With what's killing me slowly
I want to fight
But what do I fight for
My appetite is gone
I feel nauseous
I feel dizzy
I'm light headed
If I get up I'll collapse
No sleep
Deep thoughts
Broken dreams
Lost heart
By tomorrow I'll be dark
Cold heart
Suicide notes
Bloody blades
Cut skin
Black vision
No tomorrow
But there is a tomorrow
Everytime you think there's not
There is
Find the light
Remember to smile
Remember to let go
Things happen
You break
You'll be fixed
And you'll fix the broken hearted
You've mended peoples scars
You'll mend more
You've walked a lonely road
But not anymore
Hold on to Braydon
Hold on to Dale
They've walked lonely roads
But not anymore
Us three aren't alone
We are each other's light
Do not leave them
Hold on to their love for you
Mend their hearts
Seal their wounds
Turn them to scars
Scars will soon heal
Hold each other close
Never let go
For they love the you
You can not love
They love the real you
They'll pick you up when you fall
And you'll do the same
You are broken
You've been beat
You've been wrong
You've been right
But what you are not going to do
Is die tonight.