My smile faded when I saw you were gone,
You left me,
And you took my smile with you,
Tears streaming down my face,
God I hate this race,
Why can people be so cruel,
I'm losing fuel,
I miss you so much,
You were so kind,
Your smile could light up a room,
Claudia I miss you,
Is it nice there where you are,
Because the sky's here are beautiful,
The suns shinning,
Birds chirping,
Bees buzzing,
Wind whistling,
Everyone's smiling,
Except me,
I can't get over it,
I'm angry,
I'm sad,
I'm broken,
But you,
You are truly at peace now,
And I'm happy for that,
But I wish you were still here,
I'm praying it's all a dream,
And you're still here,
But I know it's not,
It's a nightmare I'll never wake up from,
I know your sisters sad and alone,
But she's positive,
You saved lives sweetie,
You always wanted to be a donor,
And now you are,
I miss you so much,
Why did they have to hurt you though,
Why did they have to take your smile away,
Why did the make you hate yourself,
Why'd the have to hurt our beautiful angel,
Why'd you have to leave us honey,
We all miss you,
You made a huge impact on this world,
And you'll never be forgotten,
I love you doll baby!