Chapter 6

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Beads of sweat pored down my forehead and dropped to the ground. My legs, back and arms ached with a pain I knew was only going to get worse. "Hold it, hold it" Alex demanded as I tried my best to mirror his exercise and hold it. "Good work" He panted, "where did you learn all these routines from?" I gasped, just able to pronounce the words.
"This guy I was seeing is a personal trainer, and I picked up a few of his tips" he said smiling.
I knew it!
He is gay.
"That's handy." I noted. "Yeah, now do another set, I'll get ice tea" he said, "what but we have been working for" I looked at my watch and my eyes grew big, "4 and a half hours"
"And, working hard is the key to success" he said with determination and I couldn't argue. "So, can I take a break" I questioned my breath still not returning.
"You had one an hour and a half ago" he stated, "exactly I need another"

"Hey" I said following him into the kitchen "yeah?"
"Where's dad? I still haven't seen him and I've been here for two days" Alex slowly nodded, "I'm not sure" but the look on his face told me he did. "Oh, ok then" if he wasn't going to tell me it must be for a good reason... right?
"Are you sure you don't know?" I pushed, "Yes" again I saw him glance to the side avoiding eye contact when he answered. What is my father doing that he couldn't tell me about?
Is it that he can't tell me or won't tell me?
I steered at him for a second longer before giving up.

"Where's the bread?" I said snooping around the cupboard, "nope" he replied "what?" "Nope, as in no your not eating bread. I'm your personal trainer and I'm going to be your nutritionist as well. Your not having bread. Try a salad" I glared at him before opening the fridge and grabbing out all the vegetables I could find.

"Your having a salad now, but we have to organise a meal plan that can work well with your body and give it the nutrition that it needs" he said watching me cut up the ingredients and throw them together. "Ok" I said excited.
I actually couldn't wait to get started because by this time next month I'll have a perfect body. My stomach fluttered in so much excitement as I thought about returning to my old town looking like a model.

I kinda wanted to be a lot better at talking to people though. And way better at sticking up for myself.
"So what exercise are we doing next?"
"I was thinking maybe some running, cause we have been focusing to much on building up mussels for today maybe we can try leg mussels" he replied.
I shouldn't have asked. I hate running.


The day was already over and I didn't see my dad.
We had ran for two hours and I was extremely sweaty, so I was standing in the shower alone with my wondering thoughts.
Was I really going to end up looking like a model. I looked down at my body, sure I had boobs and a butt. But would they stay there. They were the only two thing I liked about my body.

'Dillon. You don't belong on this earth. Your to fat and ugly. Your useless. Can't you hear them? There asking you to leave. There asking for you to do us all a favour and leave'
Becky's words echoed around my head and filled my stomach with pure hatred. I hate her. No sane person would tell someone that, she needs help.
And I'll help by knocking her out of her place when I got back to that town.

I shut the water fossett off, and wrapped a towel around my blotted body before I dried off and changed into my pjs.
I looked down at the scale, that was only a step in front of me. My guts twisted around each other and slowly tightened as if they were living. I took a step back and took a breath before I stood on the scale.
It took a minute before it showed my weight of 93kgs.
Excitement made my stomach flip around. I already lost 7kgs in one work out! It took me 6 hours and a very painful body but I did it!

I hobbled over to my bed holding my back and lied down, before I put a heat pack that Alex gave me onto my wounded back.
I was 5 foot 4 and weighted 93kgs. That wasn't good but it was getting better.
I sighed in relief as the heat made its way to my inpained mussel, gently surrounding it, as if giving it a hug.
7kgs down. 7kgs down! That is a lot!


I opened my eyes the next morning, not remembering when I went to sleep.
I stumbled into my clothes before staggering into the hall.
"Hi, I believe we haven't properly met yet" I turned around to see Valerie's daughter Amber glaring at me. "Oh, right I'm Dillon. It's very nice to have a sister" I trailed off when I noticed the look of pure hatred on her face.
"You look like an umpa-lumpa" she said with a giggle "why are you so fat and short?" She said looking at me with disgust "no wonder he went on a month long Business trip" she trailed off once she saw the expression on my face, "oh? You didn't know?" She laughed, "well that's a good thing I guess" she said looking down at her perfectly manicured nails "I mean, you are the resign he left." She pouted with a sinister look in her eye.
Tears fell down my checks as I remembered what my mother all says used to say, "it's your fault he left! If you hadn't been such a failure maybe he would have stayed!" Maybe it was me... maybe it was me that made him leave. I mean what a coincidence he had to leave the night I came.

"It could be worse, I mean" she said with faked sympathy "at lest he didn't kick you out" she laughed "well at least not yet" I don't have to put up with this. I left my old town so I didn't have to put up with shit like this.
I walked away, "hey where are you going I'm not done!" She screeched "oh, I thought the little heart to heart was over" I said with a bored expression well I whipped away my tears. If that's what my dad actually thinks then it's a shame for him.

"Your such a bitch!" She screamed well I laughed, "call me that again" "what... a bitch? Cause that's what you are" she sneered "only bitches do what there told" I say call her a bitch.
I felt her glare follow me as I walked out of the room.

Ha. That wasn't to bad, but my come backs still need a lot of work.
That one was one I read on Twitter.

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