Chapter 14: Return Of The Queen

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Snow clung to the dark asphalt, it was relentless; turning the trees which normally bordered the road into misshapen grey blobs. The car fishtailed as I sped around the corner, I quickly rectified the mistake before the semi-truck plowed straight into me. Sighing, I pressed on in the treacherous conditions.

People say that I was going to kill myself one day with my actions. My response was always that we all had to die somehow.

I don't actively seek death, but I know I'll welcome it when it came. It wasn't as if I had a lot to live for. I'm surprised that I'd made it this long. I took too many risks- which weren't risks in my eyes- and cared too little about myself.

Low self-preservation, as Duck liked to drop into conversations when he 'bumped' into me.

I indicated back onto the road that lead to my house, before quickly switching directions and heading west.

Ricky was sitting behind the counter, he glanced up at the sound of the mechanic bell, he waved in greeting and I nodded back.I scanned the shelf before plucking out the familiar bottle of bourbon.

"Just the one tonight, Gibbs?" He asked as I placed it on the counter covered in yellowing Scotch tape and ripped signs.

I'm on first name basis with all the staff, how bad is that?

I nodded.

"I need to see ID."

I raised an eyebrow "I think I look a lot over the age of eighteen." I replied, shoving my hand in my coat pocket.

"That's the rules. Everyone needs to be ID'd." Rick said, pointing to a new sign pinned by the counter.

"That's new." I commented, showing my driving license.

"Yeah it was introduced yesterday."

I grabbed the neck of the bottle, now concealed in a brown bag, and wandered out the car. The snow had began to slow, barely sticking to the ground, I hopped back into warmth of the car before heading back to the house.

I walked into dark hallway and tossed my keys in the bowl on the sideboard. I flicked on the switch, turning on the lamp next to the sofa and diving head first onto the couch, my phone buzzed in my pocket, I squinted slightly as the light blared in my face, I knew it was either Abbs, McGee or maybe even Vance, discussing the undercover op I was undertaking in a few weeks.

It was McGee.

Me and Abbs were leaving NCIS when a woman was asking for you at security. We couldn't see her face but she had red hair, the name she gave was Jacqueleen Sauvage. Do you know her?

I raised an eyebrow. I could tell the question behind it, red hair automatically means I probably dated her.


I closed my phone and picked up the bourbon before heading down to the basement

Today, I wasn't working on the boat, but an engine instead, something had gone wrong with my Hemi, a head gasket cylinder which needed to be replaced, a fairly simple job which was fixed in half and hour or so.

Draining the last of my glass, I knocked the empty glass bottle into the bin and cracked open my newly purchased bourbon. I picked up the phone and dialled the kebab house round the corner, I placed an order before tossing my phone back on the counter, I poured some into my tumbler and took a swig.

Setting the glass on the counter, I hooked up the engine to the crane and positioned it over the car. Once I was satisfied I slowly lowered the hydraulic pump, setting the engine in position for the jubilee clips and pipes to be attached.

A Marine Turned Assassin {NCIS}Where stories live. Discover now