03 - Calamity

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Song for Chapter = Bitter Sweet Symphony • The Verve

After driving for a few hours, the two Chronopoulou women reached the small town that was the La Push Reservation

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After driving for a few hours, the two Chronopoulou women reached the small town that was the La Push Reservation. Eleni Chronopoulou drove through the streets, past the small houses next to the gorgeous woods that lined the reservation before we finally stopped in front of a small wooden house with a white pickett fence out the front. Out the front on a rocking chair sat an older Quiluete woman her hair in two plaits, one lay on each shoulder. The woman's face brightened once she recognised the two passengers in the car. The older woman had only met Eleni twice before, once when her son and Eleni were dating, and a second time when Eleni came trying to find her son to tell him she was pregnant. The older woman had been looking forwards to the day that she would meet her granddaughter ever since she found out about her existence. The had never happened till now because of her son. The woman had never forgiven her son for he had done to Eleni and Katerina.

Kat's heart suddenly sped up, she no longer felt confident enought to get out of the car and meet her fathers mother. "Mama, I don't think I can do this" she said shyly. Meeting new people had never been easy for Katerina, she didn't want to become attached to them, as she was afraid they would leave her. Even though she changed schools so often, she found it difficult to let people in. "Well Kat do it for me, it would give me a piece of mind"Eleni said tiredly. Her mothers condition had definitely worsened over the past few days. Her skin was pale and she was always tired, napping all the time. The mother and daughter could both tell that she doesn't have much time left so both are making sure that they make the most of their time together. If meeting this woman would help her Mama, then Kat would certainly do it. Kat slowly peeled herself out of her carseat. Closing the car door behind her, she began walking behind her mother slowly.

"Hello Grace, how are you" Eleni began. The woman Grace briefly replied before Eleni turned to her daughter and pulled her forwards " This is Katerina, your granddaughter", Kat made her way over towards her grandmother and was embraced by two frail arms. " Hello Katerina, I'm your grandmother Grace Jones, its lovely to meet you finally". Kat found Grace's voice calming and found it easier to be in the strange woman's company." It's lovely to meet you too ummm" Kat wasn't sure what to call this woman she had just met. It didn't feel right to call her Grandma yet.

"Grace will do for now dear, please come inside"

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"Grace will do for now dear, please come inside". Kat followed the older woman inside the small house which would soon be hers too. The walls were painted a light yellow, the ceiling was low and painted a crisp white. The small living room kitchen area was cosy  with pictures scattered all over every bench space. Many of them involved a young man with russet coloured skin who Kat guessed was her father." Is this my father?" she asked her grandmother." Yes dear, that is your father Spencer Jones, you have his nose" my grandmother replied. Kat reached up and touched her nose. Did she really have his nose? She looked more closely at the photograph and could spot similarities between herself and her father. It was strange to have a face and name to associate with her father. Her mother never talked about him so Kat never found out much about her biological father.

After a tour of the small house, the two Chronopoulou women were shown their rooms and left to unpack. The room Kat was given was small but cosy, there was a small window seat which you could see the woods through.

The woods were breathtaking all the different shades of green were unbelievable

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The woods were breathtaking all the different shades of green were unbelievable. Since she was a young girl nature had bewitched her, but as Kat and her mother always lived in the city, she never got to experience it often. This was her dream house and she was eager to explore the woods that were her new backyard. She walked into the kitchen to asked if she was allowed to explore. Her mother gave her permission as she knew of her daughters obsession with nature, but requested her to stick to the path. Kat put on her burgundy rain coat and made her way along the path. The dense forest was so peaceful and calming, she was able to clear her mind of all worries. Of her mother, her grandmother and father, her start a La Push High tomorrow, of John Matthews. She walked further into the woods watching all the small animals scatter as she walked past them. Spotting fallen log ahead, Kat walked ahead and sat down, taking in all her surroundings.Maybe this move wouldn't be so bad.

" KATERINA COME QUICKLY" Kat's grandmothers voice echoed through the woods. Katerina was snapped out of her trance and worry quickly filled any space in her mind the was calm seconds ago. She ran back along the path back to the house where her grandmother was waving her hands frantically Katerina." Quickly dear, its your mother". Kat ran into the house her mind full of concern. She ran into the kitchen with her grandmother trailing behind her. Thats when she saw her, her mother was passed out on the kitchen floor." Grace, call a doctor NOW!!"

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