06 - Hysteria Pt. 2

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Song for chapter = Bad Reputation - Joan Jett
Katerina's detention with Ms Malone went by faster than she had expected it to. Once the bell rang she was out of the teachers office with out a glance back. She made her way to her locker where Kim was waiting for her with an apple in her hand.

"You remembered!"Kat exclaimed, shocked by her new friends kindness.

"Of course I did, what are friends for"She said, laughing at Kats expression. "The boys were asking about you at recess" Kim continued.


"Jared and Paul, but you haven't met them yet"

"Oh ok"

Th two girls then walked in a comfortable silence to their next class. Their was no awkwardness between them on the walk as they were both happy in each others company. The hallways were full with the hustle and bustle of teenagers making their way to class. Many turned to look at Katerina, 'the new pale faced girl' they called her whispering to each others whenever she passed. Kat put up a brave face not letting her new friend know that really, these comments were making her feel worse than she already did about herself. Kat had thought that by know she would have learnt to ignore these harmful comments, but they were something that she would never be able to escape.

"Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me"She muttered under her breath.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

History was Katerina's favourite subject, at every school, in every town. When she was in history, she was able to escape from the real world to another time. She could imagine herself as an Ancient Roman or a Viking. She was fascinated by the past and therefore she was quite talented at the subject.

Katerina also liked her teacher for this subject at this school, a younger woman named Miss Buchanan. The teacher was kind and treated her students with the same respect that she treated her fellow teachers. This is what Kat found the best about the teacher.

Throughout the lesson, Kat payed almost complete attention, something that shocked Kim, who hadn't expect Kat to enjoy history.

"Wow, you really do love history Kat, you should come to one of our tribal bonfires sometime, since you are apart of the tribe after all!"Kim stated.

"I guess, what do you do at the bonfires?"

"Ohhhh, we tell the legends and the history of our people, I think you'd love it."

Kat began to wonder, did she want to discover more about her ancestors culture. She was already intrigued by the legends. She found any kind of mythology interesting, therefore why should this be any different? Was it because it had ties to her father who was not apart of her life?


History came and went faster than Kat had wanted as the bell rung throughout the high school building. Kat bid farewell to Kim and began making her way to the science labs where she had Biology. She made her way there slowly, ensuring that she would be the last one to class and therefore would not have to make any unnecessary small talk with fellow students.

As the hallways were finally clearing out of students, Kat arrived in the science lab.

"Ahh, our new student" the biology teacher began "welcome to Biology, I'm Mr Brown and I believe I went to school with your mother, Eleni if I'm correct?"

Kat froze at the mention of her mothers name, all her pain flooding back to her.

Two quiluete boys at the back of the room also noticed the change in her behaviour. As soon as the foreign girl stepped into the room neither could deny that she was beautiful, but now both could hear the sadness in her voice when she replied to the teacher " yes, that is correct".

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