00 - Trauma

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Song for Chapter : Wonderful Life • Hurts
αγαπη μου ( agapi mou )= my love
μικρουλη μου ( mikroli mou ) = my little one

Shock crossed her face as fast as a bolt of lightning. The sounds of the doctor and her mother talking became muffled as she tried to come to terms with the news. "I'm sorry dear, everything is going to be okay" Doctor Reed said softly.

"What the fuck do you mean, 'your sorry' are you kidding me. Have you ever done this before"  the girl basically shouted in her face. Does she really think everything is going to be okay, what bloody planet is she living on the girl thought. Why my mother, why her not me, running through her mind.

"Calm down αγαπη μου, Doctor Reed is right, everything will be okay" her mother stated calmly. How can my mother be so calm about this when I can barely come to terms with this she thought. She barley hears her mother apologise to the Doctor for her outburst. Her mother collects their things and they begin to make their way out of the doctors office, her mother thanks the doctor as she glares at Dr Reed, constantly thinking, how could she do this to them.

The tears she had been trying to hold in began to fall as they got into their small beaten down car. " Mama...." she begin to call between sobs. " Oh μικρουλη μου, I promise you everything will be okay, when I leave you, you will be okay" she whispered while holding her daughter in a tight embrace.

The girl looked up at her mother and saw silent tears streaming down her face" Mama, please don't talk like", "ok, how about some culture club" she says with a faint smile on her face knowing that it is their song. The teenager nods her head slowly as the woman puts the old cd into the cars stereo system before starting up the car.

Over the roar of the engine the lyrics soothe her ' Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon, you come and go, you come and go.....', she looks over to her mother who is humming along to the music. Before they finally both start singing along as loud as they can, letting out all their emotion to the simple lyrics of ' Karma Chameleon', their happy song. ' Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon , you come and go.........'

The girl is woken to an extremely warm lap and her mother shaking my shoulder with a grin on her face, " time to wake up αγαπη μου, I picked up some pizza while you were asleep" she said before motioning down to the girl lap.

She looks down where the warmth was coming from and could now see a pizza box on my lap. She smiled back at her mother knowing that from now on they were going to ignore the elephant in the room, if it made her mother happy, she was happy to continue like this. But were were eventually going to have to acknowledge the fact that her mother was dying.

"Yumm, what type?" she questioned, "Half vegetarian, half pepperoni, our favourites" her mother replied. Of course, she didn't even need to ask that question, Eleni Chronopoulou knew her better than anyone in this lonely world, thats why losing her would be so much harder, she is her best friend as well as her mother.

Katerina Chronopoulou knew something was wrong when her Mama started getting sick, but she never thought it would be as bad as this. Eleni will have to stop working now and neither know what we are going to do. The doctors don't know how long Eleni has left till she is gone, so they will make the best of the time they have left together.

"Hey Mama", "mmm", " I was thinking of getting a job, you know, to help out a bit", " Oh αγαπη μου, that won't be necessary, I will work something out like I always do" she replied with a sad smile.

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