05 - Hysteria Pt. 1

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Image above : Kim Conwell
Song for the chapter = Rebel Yell • Billy Idol

Image above : Kim ConwellSong for the chapter = Rebel Yell • Billy Idol

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Hysteria noun: exaggerated or
uncontrollable emotion or excitement.

The raven haired girl brushed her long locks with her blue hairbrush. Her makeup already done and her clothes already on, she made her way into the kitchen to grab an apple, kiss her grandmothers cheek and make her way out to her mothers old car. Driving to school in her mothers old car was something that Katerina never wanted to experience. The drive to her new school was not a long one, only 10mins, it was especially quick as their was hardly any traffic on the Reservations streets.

She parked her car in the spot closest to the schools office and made her way into the building, ignoring the stares of the students around her. She pushed open the door and the heater hit her like a brick wall, the heat making her skin tingle. Kat walked over to the office desk where a small plump woman was sitting.

"Hello there, I'm Mrs Christopher, you must be Katerina Chronopoulou"she said warmly. The teenager grunted in reply, the cheery woman annoying her already. " Here is your timetable, Ohh and Kim here is going to show you around the school" Mrs Christopher said motioning to a girl Kat's age who was walking down the hallway. Kat looked down to her timetable to see what classes she had :

1st Period - Chemistry - Ms Malone
2nd Period - English - Mr Williamson
3rd Period - American History - Mrs Buchanan
4th Period - Biology - Mr Brown
5th Period - Mathematics - Mr O'Connor
6th Period - Spanish - Señora Gonzalez
7th Period - Literature - Mr Benson

Kat looked up to find the other girl Kim making her way over to her with a huge smile on her face.

"Hi, I'm Kim it's nice to meet you, you must be Katerina"Kim said cheerfully examining the new girls expression, seeing whether she and Kat would become friends or not.

" Yeah, that's me" She said shyly, disliking Kim's forwardness. Suddenly her timetable was yanked out of her hand by the smiley girl, who began checking which classes they had together.

"Oooh, you're in luck, we have almost all our classes together, and you have a few with my boyfriend Jared, this will be great we can show you all around the school" Kim began to ramble off while scribbling something down on Kat's timetable before handing it back. Kat looked down at her timetable to see what had been written down .

Classes you have with me ( Kim ):
*1st Period - Chemistry - Ms Malone
*2nd Period - English - Mr Williamson
*3rd Period - American History - Mrs Buchanan
4th Period - Biology - Mr Brown ( with Jared )
*5th Period - Mathematics - Mr O'Connor
*6th Period - Spanish - Señora Gonzalez
7th Period - Literature - Mr Benson ( with Jared )

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