Chapter 13

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"What? Why?", James asked. "And who's Holly?"

"Holly Jennings. Black hair, brown eyes. We don't see her much because we're not close to her.", Ana explained.

"Yeah and I just met her at the mall a few weeks ago when I was shopping for dresses.", I added.

"Okay. Why are you jealous of Holly?", Lexi asked. "Are they in a relationship?"

"I don't know. I think I'm jealous because Thomas is always with Holly. They have fun together, spend time together, and they look so close to each other. I never seen them like that and I never saw him with her. Maybe, they're in a relationship.", I said.

"We're not sure about that yet.", Ana said. "Would you like to find out?"

That made me think. Would I like to find out? I don't know if I will like the result but, I'm a curious person sometimes, especially if it's about Thomas.

"I'm in.", I told them.

"We're in too.", they said.

"So, where do we start?", Lexi said.

"Okay, here's the plan.", I said, motioning them to go near me. "We'll gather as many information as posibble about them. Like, how do they see each other, talk to each other, or what do they do when they're together. We start at lunch break. Then we do it at free time and recess if possible.", I explained.

Then the bell rang. I took what I needed from my locker quickly.

"See you at lunch!", I said as I ran through the crowded hallway to the classroom.

*two minutes before lunch....*

"It's almost time.", I told them. Good thing we're in the same class before lunch break, Mathematics.

"I'm excited!", Ana whispered.

"One minute left.", Lexi whispered excitedly.

"We have to eat quickly right?", James asked.

"Yeah. When it's time for lunch, we run into the hallways and eat our lunch quick enough. Then we get what we need from our locker so we won't do it later. Then we get a notebook or paper and a pen, and when we see them together, write down what they're doing. Observe them quickly. Do they hold hands? Are they always glued to each other? Just write it down on the paper and don't let others see what you're doing and what's on the paper.", I explained.

"Thirty seconds left.", Lexi whispered.

We waited patiently as the second hand move, then at last it points to-


We stood up, took our bags and ran outside cautiously towards the cafeteria. We munched our food quickly. Then we went to our locker to get what we need and to get the paper and pen.

"Ready guys?", I asked excitedly.

"Ready!", they said in unison.

We put our hands together. "We. start. now!", I said and we let go and went to our corresponding position. James in cafeteria, Lexi in the hallway, Ana in another hallway near the bathroom, and me near Thomas' locker.

I wait there for a few minutes because he's not here yet, since he's still eating lunch. I hope the James is doing it well.

After another few minutes, he's here, walking towards his locker. I took a deep breath. I observed him in my hiding place cautiously. I can hear what he'll say in my position.

"What's the next class? English, English, English.", I heard him mutter.

Then Holly went beside him. I write that down because she also did that yesterday.

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