Chapter 2 - The Concert

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*Alexis' POV*

Kelsey comes out of the room all giddy. I know that face: it's her face she gets when something big happened between her and guy. My guess is that Harry said something to her. I'm not sure what though.

"Alexis, I need to tell you something!" she says running up to me.

"OMG! Aren't they just amazing?!"

"Yes! But that's not what I have to tell you. Harry asked me to coffee tomorrow!" She says smiling.

Oh. Crap. She has no idea that Landon's going to propose! I've done my research and Harry wouldn't just ask any fan to coffee.

"Um, that's great... But what about Landon. Your fi- boyfriend!" I can't tell her! Landon obviously has to tell her first.

"We made an agreement that if a member of One Direction asked me out, I could say yes. And it's just coffee, Lex. Calm down!" I can't believe she doesn't even care about what Landon's gonna think!

*Landon's POV*

I decided to give my meet and greet ticket to a crazed fan. I didn't NEED to see them. It was just for Kels and Alexis.

I finally see them come down the long hallway. Kelsey looks happy. Alexis, she looks worried. Why should she be worried?

"Hey girls!" I say. "How were they?"

"Amazayn!" Alexis yells.

"Fabulouis!" Kelsey says back all flirty.




"Haha, ok! I'm glad you liked them!" Alexis shoots Kelsey a look. And not a nice one.

"Yeah we did! Maybe a little too much." Alexis shrieks. Kelsey Shoots her a look this time. What's up with them?

There's awkward silence for a while before I speak up. "Well, should we go get our seats?"

"Sure! I'm going to stop in the bathroom first." Kelsey says. And off she goes.

"So what was that all about, Alexis?" I ask.

"What was what about?" She asks trying to act clueless.

"Those looks when I asked how they were."

"Oh that... Um." she looks even more nervous than before. "Well its just... Um, she's..."

"What is it, Lex!"

"She's going to Starbucks with Harry!" She blurts out and covers her mouth.

I'm in shock. How could she do this? Harry knows we're dating, practically engaged, right?

*Kelsey's POV*

I'm walking back to Landon and Alexis and I can already tell that she told him. He looks very uncomfortable, almost upset. But we made a promise. He needs to keep his side of the deal.

"Hey guys! What'd I miss?" I ask, looking straight at Alexis' guilty face.

 "Nothing." Landon says. "Let's go get our seats now." He then leads us into the arena.

I let me and Alexis fall behind him a little.

"Did you freakin tell him?" I whisper.

"Um, well I may have mentioned it... But don't get mad at me now! Wait until the end! I want to enjoy the concert." And she runs ahead of me to catch up with my boyfriend.


"TELL ME A LIE!" Alexis and I scream out at the end of the song. Harry has been real flirty all night; towards me.

"All right everyone. We're gonna do something a little different for Everything About You." Louis announces.

"We are going to call up a special lady tonight. She's gonna sit on this stool and we're gonna sing to her acoustically. So come on over here Dan!" Harry says, looking straight at me. If its me, that's completely out of my comfort zone.

Everyone starts going wild! Except for me.

Then Niall starts talking. "So Come on up here Kelsey Evans!"

I knew it.

Security helps me on stage and Liam leads me to the stool. "Take a seat babe." I really hope Landon doesn't come back while I'm on stage.

"You know I've always got your back girl..." Liam starts it off. I can't help but smile. I mean I'm on stage with One Direction!

"It's everything about you." The first chorus finishes up and Zayn says something I was not expecting.

"Please welcome, Landon Montgomery!" On walks Landon in a white tuxedo with the 1D tie I bought him for his birthday.

He walks over to me and holds my hands. He's saying something, but I can't hear him over the screaming fans in the audience.

The song finishes and he gets down on one knee. He's freaking proposing! Holy crap! No wonder he got me tickets!

"Kelsey," He says into the microphone. "I love you. And I can't imagine a life without you. You truly do light up my world like nobody else." I laugh at my dorky boyfriend kneeling before me. "And I want you to be the light of my life forever. I love you, Kelsey. Be my wife?" He pulls out the same exact ring I showed him on pinterest. The one shaped like a rose with diamonds all over.

I look over at Harry. He looks upset. The sad upset. I look back over at my boyfriend. He's smiling up at me. Looking into his face, memories are rushing at me. When we met. Our first date. Our first kiss. Introducing him to my parents. That Christmas we snuck out to Malibu Beach. Our first anniversary. The beautiful summer dress he got me for my birthday. The concert tickets. The meet and greet. We have so much history together. It'd be stupid to say no for Harry.

I look over at Harry one more time. He fakes a smile and nodds.

"Of course I'll be your wife, Landon!" I shriek. He pulls me into a tight hug and carries me off stage. The fans are screaming. But all I can think about is Harry.


So what did you think?! Do you think coffee's gonna be awkward between Kelsey and Harry? Do you think the engagement will last or will Harry get in the way? Let me know!

I really wanted to focus on Kelsey, Alexis, and Landons point of view so thats why there isn't any 1D POV's.

And sorry it took so long to upload! I've been super busy and haven't had a lot of time to write. It's short but I wanted to give you guys something. And I've got 26 readers! Haha, not a lot, but to me it is! Thanks for reading and keep spreading my story!


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