Chapter 5 - What happened to our spark?

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chapter 5!

*Kelsey's POV*

I can't believe that Landon has cancer. He's my best friend! I don't know what I'm supposed to do... I'm engaged to Landon, but Harry is, well, Harry! He has been such a great guy to me since the concert.

"Kelsey? May we come in?" It's Louis.

"Sure. Company would be nice right now." I say, getting up and opening the door for them.

"Where's the food? I'm starving!" Niall looks all over and spots a fridge. "Yeah buddy!"

"Um, Niall, now really isn't the time to think about food." Liam says walking up to him.

"Liam, do you even know me? I think about food 24/7!"

I can't help but laugh. It feels good to laugh, but at the same time, I feel extremely guilty. Landon's in a hospital bed. He's probably in so much pain! I hope he can come home soon.

"So, Kelsey." Louis says. "We came in here to talk to you about Harry. I know that this is the last thing you want to think about right now, but it needs to be done."

"Okay. What about him?" All the boys gather around, Niall with a turkey sandwich he found in the fridge.

"Uh, Zayn! It was your idea! You should tell her." Louis says.

"What?! MY idea?! This was completely Payne's idea!" Zayn says defending himself.

"Don't drag me into this! I don't even agree with what you guys wanna tell her! Why doesn't Niall tell her?!" Now I'm really confused! What are they trying to tell me?

"No, I'm eating." Niall says with a mouthful of food. "Lou, why don't you just tell her?!"

"Tell her what?" A voice says from behind them. I look up to see familiar green eyes staring at us.

"Harry! What are you doing here?" Louis says.

"Well, I am the one who drove Kelsey here and was talking to Landon. The real question is what are YOU guys doing here?" Harry says, walking over to the couch I'm sitting on. He sits down next to me holds my hand.

"They don't want you two to fall in love. I'm alright with it but they seem to have a problem with it." Liam says. Louis and Zayn glare at him. Niall's rummaging through the fridge again.

Harry just looks at Louis. "Can I have a moment alone with Kelsey please?"

"Ok, but Paul's gonna find out that you're not at the park in about 3 minutes so I'd make it fast." Niall says. We all give him a look. "What? I put a GPS tracking thing in my phone so I know where Paul is. Don't give me that look!"

"Come on lads." Liam says, walking the boys to the door. "It's the least we can do right now."

*Harry's POV*

I don't even know where to start with apologizing to Kelsey about what the boys said. I'm very pissed off at them! How can they just gang up on her like that?

We sit in silence, holding hands awkwardly for about 10 minutes before I look over at Kelsey. Her eyes are full of tears ready to overflow.

"Harry?" She practically whispers.

"Yeah?" I say turning to face her.

"I don't know how to say this. I really like you! Okay? I don't want you to forget that. But right now, I think Louis and Zayn are right. We can't fall in love. Not when I'm engaged to Landon. I don't know what we have going on between us, but there's so much going on right now that I don't think there's a way to make this work. So, right now, I think you should leave." I'm shocked. I didn't expect her to say this.

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