Chapter 4, Part 2 - The Ultimate Promise

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Chapter 4, Part 2

*Louis' POV*

"Where the hell his Harry?" Paul asks, extremely irritated.

"Wasn't he with whats her face?" Niall's covering for Harry. All us lads promised Harry we'd cover for him if we needed to. But it's not going to last much longer. Liam's a terrible liar!

"Paul, how about I give him a call to make sure he's okay?" Paul has always been overprotective.

"Alright, but I'm standing right next to you while you talk to him."

"Fine..." Alright Harold, you better answer! I dial the familiar number, 467-901-8384 (NOT actually his number!) and to my surprise, Harry answers right away!

"Hey Lou. Is Paul with you?" He sounds relatively calm.

"Umm, yeah. What's up?"

"Well, I know he's going to panic so I'll tell you. I'm at the hospital with Kelsey."


"LOUIS! Stop! I don't want Paul to know where I am! That was the whole part of me telling YOU and not him!" Harry's pulling out for sass than me?! I don't think so.

"Well then curly! What are you doing  at the park exactly?" The only problem is that Paul is still in the room.

"Well, you know her fiance? Landon." He sounds more worried now.

"Hey, I know! It hasn't even been 24 hours!"

"So basically, when we were at Starbucks, Kelsey got a text from her sister saying that Landon drove off the road and because he had passed out. And it turns out that he has Leukemia. He hasn't woken up yet and Kelsey is in tears! I can't leave her here alone! Alexis is still at her house and her mom is trying to find a flight back from Singapore." He sounds like he's known them forever!

"Alright Harry. Calm down and Paul will be at the park soon. Bye mate!" And that's when I hang up.

"So, he's at the park and wants me to come get him?" Poor Paul. He's such a great guy, I hate lying to him....

"Yup! Me and the lads are gonna start rehearsal now while you go and get Harry. Sound good?" But Harry's practically my brother. I can't let him down!

"Alright guys! I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere!" Paul says, running out the door.

I watch Paul shut the door and leave before I begin talking. "Alright lads! We have to meet Harry at the hospital!"

*Harry's POV*

It's already five o'clock and I bet Paul is going insane! But I don't care. Kelsey needs me right now! But I have a show tonight so I can't stay too much longer...

Kelsey's in the room with Landon right now. We both agreed it was best if I didn't go in because, thankfully, he woke up! The lady at the desk, whose name, I found out, is Bertha, put me in private room so that I wouldn't be mobbed by screaming girls. They found me.... It's amazing how fast those girls find out where you are.

"Harry!" I hear from behind me. It's the boys.

"Hey guys. What are you doing here?!"

"Well," Niall says. "We have a show in two hours." Louis smacks the back of his head. "OW!"

"We're really here to talk to you about Kelsey." Liam states.

"Guys, I know that you think she's just a fan," I say. "But to me, she feels like so much more! I haven't been around her very much, but she already gives me butterflies. Do you know how long it's been since I've gotten butterflies from someone?"

"Aww, look at our little Harry!" Zayn says, nudging me. "He's in looooove!"

"I don't know what this is, guys. But I do know, that I need to be here for her."

"We understand Haz." Says Liam, patting Louis on the back.

*Kelsey's POV*

"Landon, I love you. You know that, right?" I ask him, trying not to be too obvious.

"Of course I know that. That's why you said yes." He smiles and I let a weak smile slip from my lips. I can't just tell him that me and Harry kissed! "What's wrong?" He knows somethings up.

"I can't lie to you. I didn't drive here myself..."

"What'd you do? Take the bus?" He laughs. I love his laugh so much!

"No, not exactly... Um, well... Harry, he drove me here..." I say.

"So? I don't see what the big deal is." He says, knowing that I'm not telling the whole story.

"Well, erm, we might have... um.... kissed." I whisper, hoping he didn't hear.

"YOU WHAT?!" He screams as loud as he can, but his voice is quiet because he's so weak.

"Landon, I need you to calm down. I'm so sorry! It just kind of happened and it, it didn't mean anything!" I say, avoiding eye contact. The terrible thing about telling him this, is that it did mean something. It meant a lot actually.

And then he says something I don't expect. "Ok, I'll calm down... after I talk to him. I want to talk to Harry."

*Landon's POV*

I don't know if Kelsey kissed Harry or Harry kissed Kelsey. But either way, I need to talk to him. It's obvious she loves him. Which is another reason I need to talk to Harry.

The door opens, interrupting my thoughts. It's Harry.

"So you wanted to talk to me?" Harry asks.

"Yeah. Take a seat." He sits down on the chair next to the bed.

"What did you wanna talk about, Landon?" He sounds so worried.

"Okay, I'm going to tell you something that I didn't tell Kelsey, and I don't plan on telling her soon. I'm dying, Harry. The cancer is farther along than they first thought. Harry, I don't know if I'm going to be alive by the time our wedding comes along. They don't know how much time I have left." He looks shocked.

"I'm so sorry Landon!"

"Don't be sorry! I don't want everyone around me treating me like I'm a piece of glass. I'm not going to break."

"I don't want this to sound rude." He says. "But why are you telling ME this?"

"Well, first of all, it's obvious to everyone that you two have a thing already." He looks down, trying to hide his smile. "Second, I know that you two kissed." His smiles gone now. He looks scared, like I'm going to hurt him. But I couldn't hurt a fly. "And thirdly, I know you love her. And I need you to promise me something."

"Of course! Anything!" He says.

"I need you to stay by Kelsey Evans' side through everything that's going to happen to me. I'm going to be having surgery, chemo, and, probably within the next year, I'm going to... to die. Kelsey can be stubborn, ignorant, and controlling. BUT, she is the most loving, hilarious, and trustworthy person you will ever meet. And don't you dare take one second of your time with her for granted Harry Styles! I want the best for her. She deserves it. So please, I know it's a lot to ask for, but promise me you'll do this?"

He takes a while to respond and I'm getting kind of nervous that he'll say no. But then, he looks me in the eyes, and answers.

"I promise you, Landon, that I will do everything in my power to stay with Kelsey Evans."


What did you guys think?! Do you think Landon's really going to die? How long do you think Landon has to live? Will Harry stay by Kelsey's side? If Landon does die, how do you think Kelsey's going to take it? How mad do you think Paul will be that Louis lied to him about where Harry is?

I just want to say thank you guys sooooooo much for reading my fanfic! It's amazing how many people are reading this! 112 people, the last time I checked! HOLY CRAP! THANK YOU!

And in case you don't already know, I made a twitter for this. It's @1DPromisesKept so go and check it out! Thanks again guys!


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