Chapter 3 - Coffee

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*Kelsey's POV*

I wake up to sound of bacon sizzling. Alexis slept over last night so we could have some sisterly bonding.

Alexis pops her head in to see if I'm awake. "Good morning sleepyhead!"

"Morning Lex." I say groggily. "What time is it?"

"Um, 9:39." Alexis says calmly.

"NINE THIRTY NINE?!?! I'm going to be late Lex! I'm meeting Harry at Starbucks in 20 minutes!" I yell, scrambling out of bed.

"21 technically. And sorry, I kind of forgot." She says. "Bacon?" Lex says walking into my room holding a plate of bacon.

"No! I have to get ready! I'll buy a muffin or something there."

I go into my closet and pick out a cropped, light blue jacket with studs where buttons would be. I choose a pair of dark skinny jeans and a light pink tank top to go under the jacket.

I took a shower last night thankfully so I don't have to worry about that. Then, it's hair time. I brush out my thick hair and fish tail it to the side.

Next is makeup. I choose a light foundation. I apply mascara, eyeliner, and a touch of eyeshadow before putting on bright pink lipstick.

I grab my necklace I got as a gift after I did profession of faith and put that on.

As I try and think of what other jewelry I should put on, I begin playing with my ring. I still can't believe I'm engaged! But something about it doesn't feel right.

I love Landon, I really do! I love his dark brown hair, sparkling blue eyes, and let's not forget about his abs!

But he was the only I guy I really got to know. And seeing Harry, I guess you could say I can already tell I'm going to like him. With Landon I think I fell in love with him because I didn't think I could get anyone else. He's my best friend. But I don't think he's my soulmate. Oh well, I'm already engaged and I don't want to break his heart.

*Alexis' POV*

"How do I look?" Kelsey asks walking out of her bedroom.

"Like your going on a date with a celebrity." I say.

"It's not a date, Lex. It's two... acquaintances having coffee to get to know each other." She says grabbing her keys.

"Sounds like a date to me." I half whisper.

"It's definitely not a date! Harry probably just thought I was cool and friendly so he wanted to go to coffee." She says a little irritated. "Landon will be here at 10:30 to pick you up. Be ready this time."

"I will. Now go see your 'acquaintance'. Wouldn't want to keep him waiting." I wink at her. She glares at me before shutting the door.

I wonder how Landon's taking this?

*Harry's POV*

It's 10:07. Did she forget about me?

"Paul, can you go check the parking lot again to make sure she's not in her car?" I ask paranoid that Kelsey won't show up.

"Harry, I'M gonna mobbed if I go out there again. She'll show, don't worry." Paul reassures me.


The door to Starbucks opens and in walks Kelsey. She looks flawless. I can't help but smile.

"Erm, Kelsey! Over here!" I stand up and wave my arms.

"Hey Harry! How are you?" I can hear her voice shaking. It's obvious she's nervous.

"Great, babe! How are you? You sound shaken up a bit." I say, leading her to our table in the back where the paps can't get pictures.

"I'm a little shocked you asked me to coffee to be honest. Why me?"

"Well, um, you seemed different than the others. More chill. And..." Should I say it? She is, after all, engaged.

"And what?" She starts blushing.

"You're beautiful without even trying." I flash her my dimples.  Paul, he just laughs at me. I thought it was good! And she's grinning and as red as a tomato from blushing, so she must've thought it was good too. What am I thinking! That was so corny...

"So, was there anything in particular you wanted to talk about, Harry?" Kelsey asks, breaking up my thoughts.

"Erm, not really. I guess I just wanted to talk to Kelsey Evans."

"And I just want to talk to the famous Harry Styles." She winks at me. I can't tell if she was flirting or being sarcastic.

"Sorry to break up your conversation," Paul interrupts. "But you guys did come here to get coffee so, Harry, your usual?"

"Um, sure." I forgot we were actually at a café.

"And for you, Kelsey?" Paul asks.

"Uh, the new cookie crumble frappe please." She's so polite.

"Alright, I'll be right back guys." Paul says and walks up to the counter.

"So Kelsey. I'm a little curious." I say to break the silence.

"Curious about what?"

"So basically, I want to hear about Landon." I cannot believe I just said that.

I-I-I like my beats fast and my bass down low...

Her ringtone.

"Oh, uh hold on a sec, let me check this." She takes out her phone and I immediately see her face drop. "Um, Harry. I'm really sorry but I have to go!" She gets up and starts walking towards the door.

"Why? What's wrong Kelsey?"

She stops and turns around. Inbetween tears, she manages to say...

"Landon's in the hospital."

End of chapter 3!!!

so what do ya think! i actually am quite proud of this chapter! Haha, anyways, what do you guys think is wrong with Landon/what happened to him?

Do you think Harry and Kelsey have a blooming relationship?

How is Harry going to react to Kelsey leaving? Will he understand?

(I promise in the next chapter i will put more about the rest of One Direction)

Thanks for reading and keep spreading my story on twitter, facebook, anything!


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