10 things i love about Cameron

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So recently i finished watching 10 things i hate about you, throughout the times of my free periods and free time in school. Here are a FEW thoughts about it

- Heath Ledger's voice


-Bianca doesnt deserve Cam

- hEEy that guy was in freaks and Geeks!

-why is cameron underrated

-that popular guy isn't even that cute yucC

-yoooO that popular girl is so fake LMAO BIANCA SHE CROSSED UUUUU





Anyway I love cameron. He actually reminds me of this friend I have in school named Robert 😂🤷🏻‍♀️ oh whale. Anyway it was a great movie but yet again I fell for the underrated one :,) rip

Joseph Gordon-Levitt is so adorable in this movie I swEAR. What are some of your thoughts on this movie? Heath ledger? Or more like HEAT ledger? Comment below!😤👏🏼


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