I Dreamt a little Dream

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I had a dream where I was in this shelter home thing that wasn't rlly a shelter or a home it was like as normal as a sleepaway summer camp and there was this guy and girl I was in car with but I wasn't supposed to be with them (this dream led into the dream I'm talking about) and after I came back to the place, I saw john Daley getting food cuz we were at the cafeteria eating place. And I was like "OH MY GOODNESS. HI! HOW ARE YOU" and I hugged him and he smiled and such and then apparently automatically we liked eachother sjjdjfjr (there's no such thing as order or logic in dreams istg) so then I sat at his table and he gave me flowers and guy I know from school gave me a card (I guess cuz I was away??? Idkdkdk) and I gave john a yellow flower from the twenty one pilots Nico and the niners video djjfjf and then we sat down . And I intertwined my hands with john's and I kissed his hands... wow honestly this dream was my mind's peak performance.
It makes me sad that it can't be real.

Have this picture of john Francis Daley

Anyway,,Have this picture of john Francis Daley

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Ps. Fun fact: he co wrote Spider-Man: Homecoming

anywayyyyyy bye guys. Tell me some of ur weird dreams!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2018 ⏰

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