New It 🙄 And The Gender Flop Les

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I have a love hate relationship with the new it.

I generally am angry whenever they make a remake or something with 80s movies or whatever.

Cuz no one has any new ideas and no one is trying to make anything original up. They're just taking from the past and redoing it and in the process ruining the original.

For It I feel that at least they should get people who resemble the original characters. Or NOT DO A REMAKE AT ALL. But it could be good and all but I just don't like how everyone takes from the past.

It may even bring bs fans into the 80s/90s fandom ya know.
And Finn is in it and I love Finn but I just ahdjjdks idkkk man

How do u feel about the remake?
Also how do u feel about the remake of license to drive that fox is gonna do?
N O (that's all I have to say about it) they are gonna gender flip the roles I heard... aanyway enough of that toxic stuff and have this!

I found a bunch of these on google after digging through 80s Wil Wheaton pictures and I feel so blessed

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I found a bunch of these on google after digging through 80s Wil Wheaton pictures and I feel so blessed.

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