F O U R T E E N.

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I grabbed his hand as we walked out of my house, we walked to the backyard as the crickets were the only sound that was traveling between the two of us. I sat on the ground, touching the grass with my fingers. He sat next to me too and his eyes were looking up, at the sky full of glowing stars.

''Isn't it terrifying?'' He asked, his eyes still were star gazing and he looked completely in awe.


''How insignificant we are...''

''It's scary.'' I chuckled, looking down at his hands, gripping tight on the grass, just like I was.

''I know,'' He paused, taking a deep breath. ''Have you ever seen a shooting star?''

I looked away from him, into the stars. ''Once,'' I nodded, smiling. ''At the beach. Total waste of wish, but I was a fifteen year old, I was very naive and stupid.'' I chuckled.

''What did you wish for?''

''My lips are sealed.''

''Oh come on!'' I chuckled after he threw his hands up in the air.

''That's a secret Jeon, I won't tell.''

''You don't have to keep a secret from me, I mean, I won't judge your cliche and naive wishes. We all have those.'' I kissed his cheek and then buried my head on his chest. His arm was around me and I felt safe, like I belonged there, no where else.

''I like you Jungkook, thanks for being here, even if we are doing nothing.''

''I love being with you, want to know something?'' He asked, I bit my lip, thinking about what he was going to say. A million things crossed my mind.

''What?'' I looked at him, my head still on his chest.

''I liked you since day one.'' His words felt heavy, but way too honest. His eyes were glowing like the stars above and his smile was small, but seemed sincere in most ways. I felt my heart wanting to get out of my chest, he was everything right now. From the words he said, to the way his hands held mine, to the way I wanted to stare at his eyes forever. Everything about him moved me and it was unbelievable the amount of emotions I was feeling, just by having him next to me.


''Because you smile when you talk about the music you love or when you laugh, it resounds really loud in my head, or when your cheeks turn red because you are really shy. You are not like most girls, that's why I like you, I was just scared you didn't think the same about me,'' He grinned. ''Though I already told you that.''

''Are you crazy?!'' I fixed my seating position, looking straight into his eyes. ''When I read your letter, I went nuts. In a good way, of course,'' I chuckled, licking my chapped lips. ''I thought you'd never like me.''

''I can't wait to walk around the campus with you holding my hand.'' I wanted to cry, he was so precious. I looked at the sky, the stars were shinning so bright. I slid my fingers through the grass, to feel his. He locked his with mine and I smiled, hiding all the silly butterflies dancing in my stomach. We were complete silent, just star gazing. My mind was going wild right now. I wonder if his was too.

↝ ♡ ↜

Monday was finally here and after Spring Break, we had to go back to our normal lives. Back to the same routine with the same boring people, but I forgot about them for a while and focused on Jungkook and the fact I was about to see him in just a matter of minutes.

Wait for me at the cafeteria's entrance! :)

That's what his text said and I followed his orders. I stood at the entrance of the cafeteria watching people come and go, I was early, since I was excited to see him. Not everybody knew about us, so some might get shocked, others won't care and others will just act surprised and happy for the both of us. People will talk about you, whether you are doing great or doing wrong. They'll point their fingers, before pointing at themselves for all the flaws they own. That's something I've learned, you'll never satisfy people. Never.

''Hey there!'' I heard a familiar voice behind me and when I turned around, my eyes met his and it caused a big smile on my face.

''Hey there, how are you?'' My arms were wrapped around his waist, as my eyes were still locked on his.

''Great, ready to go back to normal?''

''I don't do normal Jeon.'' He chuckled, shaking his hand. His arms were around me, but suddenly, he let go.

''I see you two now!'' His friend, Namjoon, from the party said in a joking tone. They greeted each other like normal boys do and I stood there, smiling and feeling my cheeks blushing from the scene he just saw. ''I remember he used to talk about you every single day.'' He rolled his eyes and when I looked at Jungkook, his cheeks were red and he was glancing down at his feet. I chuckled.

''Is that so?'' I elbowed him and his eyes were on me, I smiled at him and then I placed a small kiss on his cheek.

''She had to know! Don't give me that look.'' The three of us chuckled and it felt nice, one of his friends was friendly and it seemed like he liked me. I felt Jungkook grabbing my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine and it felt cold against my flesh, sending shivers down my spine.

My arms were still wrapped around him. ''You said enough already, let's go.'' He said. The three of us headed to the cafeteria and I noticed his friends on the table from the back, screamed out his name and waved to catch his attention. I took a deep breath as he greeted them and started walking over to them, with him.

''Hey man what's up?'' He asked, and they all did the fist and pump greet boys do, I stood there, gently smiling at them, trying to be friendly and polite. ''Guys, this is Persis.''

''Hey.'' They all said, like a chorus and I waved at them, very uncomfortable if you ask me. I've never traded words with them, I just know they exist because I've seen them a few times around the campus and that's it. Actually, the campus was not that big so it was easy not to lose sight of several people.

''She's the girl you told me about?'' One of them said, losing grip of the conversation the other three were having. Jungkook nodded, looking at me. He placed a kiss on my temple and then his friend and him joined the conversation. I was holding tight on his hand, looking at my surroundings, catching several glares, but it was all good. Having him on my side felt like heaven and sometimes it's okay to lose your feet off the ground. And for him... it was all worth it.

♡・゜・ 。・゜・ 。・゜・ 。・゜・ 。・♡

make sure to check out my baby girl's fanfiction taeindae

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