F I F T E E N.

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The sound of his pen tapping on the table started to make me nervous. His eyes were re-reading the same page over and over again and my eyes, couldn't stop looking. His eyebrows were furrowed, focused on every single word on that page. Exams were catching up with us and our sleepy eyelids and tired brains, were getting the best of us.

''Are you almost done?'' I ask, slightly touching his arm.

''Not at all,'' He rubbed his temples, his elbows supported on the table. ''I'm so tired.'' I yawned after he spoke, covering my mouth.

''Me too,'' He looked at me. ''We'll get through this week, you'll see.''

''I know.'' He gave me a crooked smile, grabbing my hand, then he went back to his text book. His mouth moved along to the words he was reading, as if he was trying to get them stuck in his head.

''Hey guys.'' One of his closest friends said, as he sat down beside him.

''Hey.'' I waved, trying to be polite toward him.

''Exam today?'' He asked, taking out a book from his book bag. It was a small one, the title said 'Business' something, I didn't pay much attention to it. I nodded when he looked at me, as if he was waiting for an answer. ''I fell asleep last night, I have six unread chapters for today. Screw my life.''

''Could you stop talking?'' Jungkook asked Hoseok, his face expression disappeared right after the demand. Mine did too. He went back to his book and I let go of his hand. ''Why did you let it go?''

''Sorry,'' I smiled and grabbed it again. His eyes became smaller as a smile stretched on his lips, he was beautiful. Minutes of silence traveled between us and the rest of the people at the study room. My book was opened in front of me, but my motivation was none. I just wanted to lay in bed and drink some hot chocolate and forget about classes. I wanted a break from everything. Except from him. He was everything I wanted to see. Hoseok's pen clicking was getting on my nerves and I could easily see it was getting on Jungkook's nerves too. I rolled my eyes and tried to focus on the page in front of me, but the sound was a bit impossible to do so. ''Listen, I'll go study somewhere else.'' I closed the book and held it against my chest.

His eyes were on me now. ''Why? Why are you leaving?'' Jungkook asked. Puppy face. I melted.

I looked at Jungkook, not knowing what to say. ''I can't focus.'' I pressed my lips together, glancing swiftly at Hoseok, who was totally unaware of the situation going on.

''Sorry,'' He mouthed, I giggled, never losing sight of his face. ''We'll see each other before the exam starts?'' I nodded, and then I bent over the table, reaching his cheek and placing a soft kiss on it before leaving the study room.

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I reached the classroom and to my surprise (not really), Jungkook was outside the classroom, reading over and over again the pages on his hands. I walked over to him and kissed his cheek, noticing him I arrived. But he was too focused to notice, so I just chuckled and open the door. Everyone was walking back and forth the class room, reading pages and text books and answering questions before the teacher arrived. I looked out for three empty seats, one for me, the other for Alex and the left seat was for Jungkook, of course.

''Hey there,'' I greeted Alex and the both of us sat down. I was behind her. She took out the text book and just like the rest of the class, she started reading the most important details off the information. I was the only one not nervous about exams week, I didn't know why. I'm usually the emotional wreck kind of person during this week in particular, but this time no. ''You'll do fine.'' I nodded and she just took a deep breath. The teacher entered the class and behind her, Jungkook did too. He walked toward the empty seat behind me. He mouthed the word 'hi' and sat down. His pen clicking and his feet tapping, I giggled. I turned around since the test was already placed in front of me, I read it before answering any question and to my surprise, it seemed like a really easy test. I wrote my name first and then headed to the first question.

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I was done with the test. ''How did you do?'' One of my classmates asked, as I waited for Jungkook and Alex outside the class. Her black long hair played along with the wind, covering her face.

''I think I did well,'' I chuckled. ''How about you?''

''It was easy!'' She smiled, and then walked away from me, gently waving. I was left alone, waiting for these two to finish the test.

''Hey there,'' Jungkook was already done, and right behind him Alex. ''How did you do?''

''It was easy,'' I pressed my lips together, looking at them both. ''What are you doing right now?'' I asked him, holding the straps of my book bag in my hands.

''I'm heading home.''

''Oh okay,'' I cleared my throat. ''We have to go Alex.''

''Sure.'' She said, fixing the straps of her book pack.

''I'll walk you guys to the exit,'' I nodded and then his hand slipped on mine and his index finger grabbed mine. Then the rest of his fingers where intertwined with mine and we walked hand in hand, Alex as a third wheel, but I think she was cool with it. The bus stop was crowded with other students waiting to get on the bus. Alex walked toward the bus, making sure she'd save a spot for the the two of us and Bella and Zoey too. Jungkook and I stood there, watching people come and go beside us. We were still holding hands. A sigh escaped my lips and then my face made it's way to his chest, then my hands were wrapped around his waist and my eyes closed. His hugs were always so comforting, making me feel safe and at home. ''Let's have a date tomorrow.'' He stated, no trembling lips or stuttering.

''Really?'' My face lit up and a smile was formed on my lips, meaning I was really happy right now. His lips stretched into a smile after seeing mine and I giggled. ''I'd love to.''

''It'll be a surprise, but you have to keep an open mind.''

''What are we going to do?''

''Just wait and see.'' His lips placed a kiss on my forehead and I bit my lip, happy about having him around to do these sort of things. Like the small detail of a forehead kiss or making plans for the two of us.

''I love...'' I stopped for a second. What the hell. ''I love eating.'' I cleared my throat, fixing the situation. The word love was a strong one and I was afraid of it. I was afraid of feeling it, of saying it, just anything having to do with it. I started trembling and my sweaty hands started to get the best of me. I was just really hoping that didn't process through his mind.

''I know you love eating, we'll eat tomorrow,'' I nodded, smiling awkwardly at him. ''I'll call you tonight, okay?'' I nodded and then he left, I stood there shocked. I was so stupid. It could have taken a split second for me to ruin this thing up, I was an expert at such things. Screwing things up. One thing was clear as water. He was something I wanted forever. Or for as long as God allowed it to last. Little did I know.

♡・゜・ 。・゜・ 。・゜・ 。・゜・ 。・♡

make sure to check out my baby girl's fanfiction taeindae!!

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