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Scott had warned him. He should've listened to his alpha and he wouldn't have got himself in this mess. Liam was currently hanging upside down from a tree by his ankles.

He remembers coming into the woods with Theo but Liam doesn't really know he'd lost track of time a while ago, due to all the blood rushing to his head. Let's rewind 1 day.


They were all gathered in Scott's living room, Stiles in the chair with Lydia perched on his lap, Mason lying on the sofa with his legs flung over Corey, Scott leaning against the door frame with his arms wrapped around Malia and Theo and Liam sitting on the floor leaning against the sofa.

"So, why are we actually here?" questioned Theo.

"We're getting to that but first is everything ok at school, nothing suspicious?" "Everything seems normal" Mason answered Scott "why'd you ask?"

" we don't wanna worry you guys but Deaton contacted me a few days ago and well..."

"There's a new threat in town, a big one and by big I mean massive" Stiles butted in. " It's the whole reason we came and visited you from college" Lydia added

"And here I was thinking you actually wanted to see us" Liam grumbled under his breath, then sighed and clapped his hands"ok, so what is it?"

"Witches" Malia stated

"Witches? Like magical witches?"

"Yes Liam magical witches" Stiles sighed frustrated, the fbi academy had been hard on him lately with his final exams to become and fully fledged FBI agent coming up.

"Out of all supernatural creatures it had to be witches" Theo complained

"what's that supposed to mean"

"let's just say I've had a run in with them before"

" so you know how to handle them then" Liam queried

"Not necessarily"

"And that means what exactly?"

"It means that I don't necessarily know how to deal with them"

Liam snapped "stop being so secretive and just tell us what on earth you're going on about"
Scott who was watching the interaction jumped in before a fight could break out, " okay, okay let's calm down and how about Theo tells us how he's dealt with these witches"
"Well I don't know much about them, I never got a chance to do any research on them, too busy trying to not get killed"

"Looks like it's time for my bestiary" Mason pushed himself up off the sofa " I'll come with you" Corey chuckled.

"Liam can I speak to you in the kitchen" Scott requested whilst walking away "sure"

"What's up"
"What was that out there?"
"Oh that... well ever since you guys went off to college my IED's flared up again. I-i thought I had it under control and I've tried everything to calm myself down b-but nothing's working, I just get so angry all the time"
"Hey hey it's ok it's ok" Liam looked up with watery eyes as Scott shushed him " c'mere" he pulls him into a hug. " it'll be ok, stop getting yourself all worked up"
As they pull apart Liam mutters a quiet "thanks"

"Now let's go back in there and see what Masons found"

They walk back into the living room to see the pack gathered round the bestiary. "Hey Mase, what've you found?"
"Turns out there's different kinds of witches, like for each element, fire, water, earth" he lists off running his finger over each word in the book.

"so how'd you kill them"

" you have to make some kind of concoction, but it's different for each kind of witch"
" how about we make all of the potions for every element and when we come face to face with her, just throw them" Stiles suggested
" well we have to go back to college in the morning, so you'll have to speak to Deaton to see if he has any idea about all this"

"don't do anything stupid and whatever you do don't go after her alone, I'm looking at you Liam" Scott teased

"Hey! I'm not as reckless as you"

"That's true!" Stiles piped up " I remember when you actually followed me into the woods the night you got bitten"
" you're the one who went into the woods in the first place"joked Scott
"but that's different, that's me I was an idiot"
"Still are" Malia declared bluntly

Liam let's out an ugly snort

" you just snorted" Mason yelled and burst out laughing, which was followed by surprisingly Theo chuckling and then Scott, Maila, Corey, Lydia and finally Stiles after he'd stopped sulking.

"Okay okay" wheezed Theo " I think we should go home now or we're never gonna stop"
"What if I don't wanna stop" sniggered Mason
"Well we got to at some point and plus it's nearly midnight so..."
"You just want us to stop laughing at you Liam. But I suppose you're right it is getting quite late" Corey admitted.

After a round of hugs and bro hugs, they left the original pack to sleep at Scott's house until the next morning.

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