The Animal Clinic

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Theo pulls up outside the vets and helps mason carry Liam inside. They had called Deaton on the way over to inform him of Liam's injuries. Deaton rushes over, " put him on the table and take off his shirt" Theo does as he's told, " I need you to help me set his rib or when he gets his healing back it won't heal properly." Theo and Deaton push down on his broken you rib to set it which releases a scream of pain from Liam. " Mason look in the bestiary and any books you can find for werewolf healing, I'm going to try and find a way to get his powers back." " someone needs to stay here with him whilst we go to the library" " I will" Theo offers

Deaton, Mason and Corey leave. Theo sits on the seat next to the table Liam's lying on, he grabs onto Liam's hand and squeezes slightly, he then rests his head on his chest and mutters " please wake up" before drifting off into a deep sleep.


Liam wakes up to find Theo's head on his chest he gently shakes Theo to wake him up, " hmmm 5 more minutes" Theo mumbles "Theo wake up" "Liam, you're awake" Theo sits up and wraps his arms around Liam's waist whilst Liam's slides his arms around Theo's neck, " I'm glad you're ok" "me too."
They let go and just stare at each other, until they both start to lean in, "hey, Deaton thinks he found something" Mason walks in and Theo and Liam jump apart. Mason raises an eyebrow," what's going on here?" "N-nothing" Theo burned red "so what I saw when I came in here was nothing" they both nodded their heads "seemed like something to me." "It was n-nothing" Liam stuttered " ok then let's go" Theo declared.

Liam grunts as he tries and fails at pushing himself off the table, "here I'll help you" Theo slings Liam's are over his shoulder and lifts him up and onto his feet. They limp through the door and towards the truck they get in and see Corey smirking at them, Mason must've told him what he saw, "we left the books at the library."

5 minutes later they pulled up outside the library and they got out, Liam with help from Theo. When inside Theo sets Liam down on a chair and then follows Deaton to the shelf that he's standing in front of, " so what's gonna happen" " Well I found this ancient ritual which should help gain back his healing powers, ahh here it is" Deaton grabbed a book off the shelf and started flicking through it and stopped at a page named obtinendi potestatem, probably Latin for something. We walk back over to Liam, Mason and Corey " let's go we got the book" Theo grabs Liam and lugs him back to the car as gently as he can. They drive back to the animal clinic and Deaton rushes around collecting things he needs for the ritual.

"It's ready" Deaton announces, he starts to chant in some foreign language and throw some kind of dust on Liam, who's lying on the table. Liam's eyes flutter closed the dust knocking him out " it's done, he should wake up in an hour or two."

" okay I'll take him home, Mason Corey you guys want a lift?" " yeah sure thanks." Theo slips him arm under Liam's knees and under his back and pick him up bridal style. Mason opens the door for him as he places Liam in the passenger seat, Theo starts the engine and drives towards Masons house, "do you want me to drop you at Masons house Corey?"

"yeah please I'm sleeping over again" Corey answers with a shy grin on his face. A few minutes later they pull up outside Masons house, " thanks man" " anytime"

"hey look after him for me" " wouldn't dream of doing anything but" Theo replied with a smile on his face. " you like him don't you" " no no I don't know what you're talking about" " he likes you, you know" " what no he doesn't" Mason just smiles and nods knowingly then walks upto his house. Theo sits there staring into space for a few minutes before glancing at Liam with a silly grin on his face, " he likes me" he giddily mutters to himself.

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