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"I take it I'm driving everyone home then" Theo offered, a chorus of yes's followed.

"Get in then"

" I call shotgun!" Liam screamed "heyy I wasn't ready" Mason complained "too bad" Liam stuck out his tongue whilst Theo rolled his eyes " just get in you big babies"

The drive to Masons house felt longer than usual, Liam stared out of the window trying not to think about the looming threat attempting to harm him and his pack. He glanced at Theo and saw him looking through the mirror back at Mason and Corey, they were kissing. Liam looked away, in times like these he missed Hayden. As he turned away he caught Theo's eye and they gazed at each other for a few seconds until Liam broke eye contact, burning bright red.

"we're here" Theo announced as he stopped the car. Mason and Corey got out "Hey Corey where are you going?" " oh I'm sleeping over" he grinned with a faint tint to his cheeks. "Oh ok well good luck with that"

Theo started up the car, " so baby wolf, what'd you think of this witch business" " hmm" Liam looked up startled, " the witches, what'd you think of them" "oh well there's not really anything to think, it's just another thing threatening our home town" they sat in silence for the rest of the way.

The car jolted to a stop. "This is your stop" "ermm thanks for the ride" " it's ok, I'll pick you up tomorrow so we can go to Deatons" " yeah sure, bye"

"bye Liam"

Liam unlocked his front door as quietly as he could without waking his parents, he slipped off his shoes and tiptoed upstairs into his room. When he got in there he collapsed onto the bed and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.


Liam groaned as he stretched out his arm hitting his alarm clock onto the floor, turning it off. He turned over and checked his phone seeing that he had one unread message from Scott.

Just left for college. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

Liam just groaned and face planted into his pillow. Then shot up when he heard the beeping of a car horn. " who the heck is that"he muttered to himself frustrated that his sleep had been ruined for the second time. " Liam!" his mum shouted upto him "someone's here to pick you up!" "Someone called Theo"  

  shit shit shit

"coming mum!" Liam had totally forgotten about that. He sprinted around his room trying to find a decent shirt and jeans. He yelled " tell him to wait in the car" whilst hopping around straining to pull his jeans on. He sprinted down the stairs only to see Theo sitting on his sofa. " ahhh there he is , come on Liam we've got places to be" "bye mum"  

" bye honey!"

The drive to Deatons was short, they jumped out of the truck meeting Corey and Mason who had got a lift from Stiles before he left for fbi college. They trudged inside, Theo at the front " so doc what are we dealing with?"  " as you already know there are different kinds of witches which require different potions and since we don't know which element this witch controls were going to make all of them"

"Theo you're working on the fire element , Liam you've got water, Corey you've got earth and Mason you're with air" " here are the instructions for each one" he told them whilst handing out sheets of paper.

Half an hour later and all 4 potions were complete. " let's do this" " we can't rush this Liam, you heard what Scott said don't do anything stupid" " fine but we need a plan" " the last place she was spotted was the woods" " ok then let's go"

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